Well, I kinda do that job...

Okay, I’m sure there will be wondering by my one reader what the story is of the annotation of “Claiming to be something you are not” in the prior post.

Don’t. Just don’t do it. Never, ever, ever claim something you don’t have the distinct right to claim. I first read an article relating to this topic better than fifteen years back in the Rapid City Journal, how a Wyoming candidate was claiming attendance at a college. Problem was he never attended college there, and somebody looked into it. Killed that candidacy right there.

What was my own experience with this? I had someone who worked in a local county office who was running for the elected position; He served as the de facto second in command. He filled the role that the deputy officeholder would perform, but there was a problem.

The current officeholder said there would be no “named deputy” under him in the office. So my guy couldn’t rightfully claim it. Why was this an issue? My candidate had a popular statewide elected official also advising him, who told him “If you do the job, go ahead and call yourself that.” And I could not dissuade him. I told him that this was not a good move. I said it was ultimately his call, but I thought it was an extraordinarily bad idea.

A letter was sent out noting that he was the Deputy Officeholder over my objections. And it took about a week for the opposition to stick it clean up our keester. They said the claim was false, and the media picked it up and ran with it. Within a day or so, they had the popular current officeholder (who was on our side, but staying out of it because he was running for higher office) saying that the letter noting this guy as deputy was incorrect.

Ouch. On Election Day, if we had swung 75 votes our way from the other side, it would have been ours. And to this day, I attribute the losing margin to that stupid blunder that was made despite my objections.


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