Happy Birthday large building in Pierre.

KCCR , KELO and a host of others are reporting on the State Capitol's impending 100th birthday. 2008 would mark the 100th Anniversary of the laying of the Capitol's cornerstone. And 2010 marks the 100th anniversary of the Capitol's opening for business. Part of the announced centennial celebration next year will be to encourage people to visit this vital part of South Dakota's heritage. There are so many stories surrounding the building that people don't know, and that may be lost to history if we aren't careful. The age of the building is one factor - I know in my grade school youth, a school mate's dad provided the key for us, and I actually went up in the dome to look around. Anymore, it's much too treacherous, and that part of the Capitol has been sealed off for more than a decade as too dangerous. And there's also that Blashfield painting, which will likely remain sealed behind a wall until the next full building restoration. In looking at the...