This just might be worth a trip to Rapid City.
The Napoli, Haverly and Apa show!

Hey - anybody from Pierre want to go to this? This looks like it could beat the pants off of the Pierre Crackerbarrel any day of the week.


Senator Bill Napoli, District 35 is announcing that a special meeting will be held Wednesday January 4th, 6:30 PM at the New Rapid Valley School on Homestead street. This meeting will be held in the library and is open to the public.

Also participating will be District 35 State Representative Jeff Haverly, and special guest, Senator Jerry Apa, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Some of the topics to be discussed will be the South Dakota state budget, the State Fair, the Governor's Lap Top program for high school students, and other budget issues.

Here is your chance to find out where your Tax Dollars are being spent. The South Dakota Legislature begins January 10th, and runs through February 28th.

I'll have to ask if they'd allow filming.

You know, what's missing from this meeting? Hmmmm. Maybe I'll find it on the "Go Ask Alice" Website.

*And just a note* If any of you legislators want to send me your releases, please do, and I'll post them, Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal. I'm not just a whore for conservatives. The whole legislature is my beat. Just mail to


Anonymous said…
That would be worth the time to attend. No Bull. No puff. The rose-colored glasses will be put away. Those guys are honest, even if it contradicts the claims of fellow republicans. It could be refreshing and enlightening. Thanks for the posting.
Anonymous said…
And no Alice.

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