Kranz: Dusty Johnson to jump into US House Race? Possibly......

Dave Kranz got a bit of a scoop on everyone with his column in the Argus Leader today noting that Dusty Johnson is at a point where he's considering the US House Race:
"It is something I am considering. Any time you have a realistic opportunity to make South Dakota better, you have to take a look," Dusty Johnson says. "The thing for me: Can you be a good congressman and a good father?"


"I have tremendous respect for Rep. Herseth Sandlin, but this is not about her. It is tough to sit on the sidelines as we deal with security and economic issues. It would be an opportunity for me to make a difference," Johnson said.

Rep. Joel Dykstra is opening the door to a possible U.S. Senate campaign regardless of what Johnson decides to do.

Read it all here.

Actually, I'm intrigued by this lineup. It might mean Republicans have a solid congressional field to go into the election season with. When faced with a choice of this nature, it means that the Congresswoman is not going to get the luxury of ducking debates for a third election in a row.

I think the first issue they could have a substantive debate on might be Herseth's position on supporting the troops. Although, she seems to be having enough of a debate with herself on that issue:
04/26/07: "We need . . . to recognize the war is not lost, in my opinion." "Herseth Sandlin: The War is not Lost," AP

04/25/07: Herseth Sandlin voted with fellow Democrats Wednesday in passing a measure that would require the start of troop withdrawals from Iraq by Oct. 1

3/28/07: "I have always rejected arbitrary or irresponsible timelines that would tie the hands of our military leaders, and I will continue to do so." SHS, Press Release

(Hat tip to SDP who has all this and much more on their website.)

But then again, I'm sure she'd duck the debate with herself as well.


Anonymous said…
Herseth proves she's a spineless twit. She denounces "arbitrary timelines" and then votes for one. What an idiot. The bloom is off her rose. Go Dusty
Anonymous said…
I remember Dusty Johnson from his time at USD. He ran for student body president and lost - to former South Dakota Democratic Party Leader Jason Schulte. Schulte wasn't known then (and certainly isn't known now) for his political smarts.

Dusty went on to beat a guy for PUC who couldn't be bothered with campainging. So what? Herseth just convinced 70% of the voters in South Dakota to vote for her, and she certainly isn't Jim Burg.

Dusty has no chance...
Anonymous said…
PP, great line of ducking a debate with herself! COuld not have said it better!

People should have had thier eyes open beore. Come on i can't believe you didn't see all this and more coming.

She even had her line as a indenpendent voice but " (she) is a dem. I can not quote exact but it did go something like that people just did not catch it.

Anyway like I said...
Anonymous said…
I would not go that far poster 8:49 to say Dusty doesn't have a chance.
You might have to eat those words.
Anonymous said…
If given the choice between Dusy and Herseth, I'd vote for Herseth. The only thing Dusty has shown me is he has the ability to out work Burg, and that's not saying much.
Anonymous said…
I hope Dusty runs...

I'd love to see Herseth hand that little overambitious weasel his ass. Which she certainly would.
Anonymous said…
I still say the reasons Herseth won was her family name, the fact that she was a lot cuter and perkier than Diedrich, and the fact she was female. Many women voted for her because she was a woman. If she had a name like, say "Smith or Jones" and if she had been a plain jane I don't think she would have won regardless of her "independent voice" statements.

This has nothing to do with her qualifications, it just is an opinion of why many people voted for her.
Anonymous said…
You would vote for someone who will never live in SD again? I can't believe how voters don't pay attention to who best represents their values and beliefs.

Herseth will never move back to SD.
Herseth is a Liberal, she believes in abortion, not only for adults but for minor children to be taken over State lines wihout parental consent, look who she voted for leader of the House, she is against our troops when in DC but for them in SD, it is only time when she votes for tax increase and gun control.

Wake up SD voters a vote for Herseth is like a vote for Hillary.
Anonymous said…
From the Wall Street Journal and NBC News Poll:

Nearly half of those polled believe the situation in Iraq has gotten worse over the past three months, while 37% believe conditions have remained about the same and 12% said the situation improved. A majority of Americans polled (55%) believe victory in Iraq is no longer possible, while 36% are more optimistic and believe victory can be achieved. Nine-percent were unsure.

A majority of individuals surveyed (56%) now side with the Democrats in Congress, who want to set a deadline for troop withdrawal, while 37% agree with President Bush, who does not want to set a deadline.

I hope Dusty runs. And I hope he's running on the need to stay the course in Iraq -- in October of 2008. Herseth will win by a landslide (again).
Anonymous said…
Dykstra for Senate? Nooooooooo!

Though I do think it's funny that we might have two Cantonites running against each other (Johnson was originally from Canton).
Anonymous said…
feasant --

She lives in Brookings. She has a house there.

I know that, because PP likes to stalk her as she's gardening in cut off shorts...

(just kidding, PP... and Mrs. PP... )
Anonymous said…
Is Joel Rosenthal actually writing Dave Kranz's column these days?
Anonymous said…
Herseth has a great record on supporting our troops. She wants to bring them home and wants to stop the President from needlessly killing Americans in this pointless, immoral war.

The only people actually supporting our troops right now are the Dems in Congress.
Anonymous said…
who the hell is Joel Dykstra? didn't he used to play centerfield for the Mets and Phillies? i have like 100 of his Topps rookie cards.

even with a couple World Series rings, you gotta think Joel couldn't pull off what Thune or Pressler were unable to do
Anonymous said…
Dusty Johnson is obviously believing his own headlines. Beating Jim Burg does not translate over to taking on the state's most popular elected official. Reminds me of Alan Aker and Orv Schmidt thinking their grand electoral accomplishments carry over to the Main Stage. And yeah, yeah...Dusty ran statewide. Big deal. So did Pam Nelson. Say no more, say no more.
Anonymous said…
Is Dusty Johnson old enough to run for Congress? Can we expect a name change to at least "Dustin"? Will Joel Rosenthal be driving him to debates if they start after 8 pm?
Anonymous said…
I understand there are lots of people around here who don't like Stephanie Herseth's politics, but confusing our own ideological leanings with dispassionate, smart political reasoning is a recipie for disaster. I'm not saying that Dusty couldn't win, but it'll take a lot -- a lot of money, a lot of catch up work, and a few bad decisions on Herseth's part.

Herseth has worked harder than just about anyone I've ever seen to talk about local issues, get ridiculously positive press in the newspaper, and get home often. I certainly seen coverage of her more than I've seen of Thune in the last two years.

In the last election, she got 70% of the vote. Granted, Bruce Whalen wasn't much of a candidate, but once people have pulled that lever for someone one time, they're going to be more comfortable doing it a second time. We've got to convince 21% of the voters that they need to change their mind and vote for Dusty. That's a heavy lift.

Even if those of us here think she's a liberal or a phony, she has done a good job of presenting herself as an "independent voice." I don't think she can physically say the word "Democrat" and so long as she spends more time talking about ethanol and agriculture than about typical liberal policies, she's going to be tough to beat.

I know this isn't what people around here want to hear, but we need to be realistic before we send a rising star like Dusty down a path to a lost cause.
Anonymous said…
dusty wants to run for governor and if he runs against herseth and loses, it'll be hard for him to shake the image of being a loser. he knows it and my bet is that he wont actually run. i think he wants to get his name out there, have people try to draft him, and then say he cares too much about south dakota and his family to move to washington dc. it builds his name id, gets republicans excited about him, and has him come off as a family man that cares about south dakota. then he'll announce for governor in mid-2009. its a pretty smart strategy.
Anonymous said…
Herseth Sandlin is obviously a very tough incumbent, and probably is the favorate for reelection against anyone. But consider two things:

1 - Dusty is energetic, smart, friendly, and an extremely hard worker. He will not be out-worked, he will be EVERYWHERE, and he will not embarrass himself. And he is very well-liked among the GOP rank-and-file.

2 - WE DON'T KNOW that Stephanie will be the US House candidate. It is entirely possible (I think likely) that Senator Johnson will eventually decide not to run for reelection, and that Stephanie will step into that race. That would leave the US House seat open. Brendan Johnson is the obvious candidate for the Dems - setting up a Johnson-Johnson contest between two Truman Scholars who were a year apart at USD and are good friends. THAT would be a hell of a race.
Anonymous said…
9:22am Anon -

This strategy has Joel Rosenthal written all over it. I wonder if they've already cut some sort of deal?
Anonymous said…

We need a solid conservative to run against Herseth, not a Mainstream Coalition (or, as I like to call them, the coalition of the unwilling) candidate like Johnson.

The fact that Joel Rosenthal pulls the strings on Dusty is reason enough to oppose him.

We can do better. We HAVE to do better.
Anonymous said…
I still giggle when ever I hear the words "dusty johnson"

I guess that what happens to a guy when he gets married.
Anonymous said…
I hate to say this, but I think a lot of the (anonymous) anti-Joel Rosenthal chatter comes from those who have a problem with his religion. Many of the same people who attack him and the Mainstream Coalition are evangelical conservatives who have pretty strong feelings about Rosenthal's religion. I think there are some anti-semtic undercurrents here, and it's sad.
Anonymous said…
"but once people have pulled that lever for someone one time, they're going to be more comfortable doing it a second time."

Do you know what state you are in and how many times people kick out the incumbant? I bet if someone did an analysis, South Dakota would have one of the highest rates of replacing incumbants over history.

Moreover, Herseth will be a candidate for US Senate, and I heard Larry Russell wanted to run for the House. It looks like Dusty is just trying to get his name out in front of voters- either for re-election or for a governor's run.
Anonymous said…
Dusty Johnson is not a Mainstream Republican! He is pro-life and for limited government and doesn't dismiss religion the way the Mainstreamers do.

As for Rosenthal, the word is he and Dusty aren't speaking since the Jarrod Johnson campaign.
Anonymous said…
If you want people to take Dusty seriously, tell him to wipe off the milk stain on his upper lip and to stop calling himself Opie. I know he's a capable little Machiavelli from his backstabbing activities in the Sahr scandal. The general public, though, will dismiss him immediately. Not a fan of the twerp.
Anonymous said…

I think you've got Dusty figured out perfectly.
Anonymous said…
Larry Russell. Great.

Six months after we lose the House and Senate becuase of ethics problems by people like Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff, we're going to run a guy best known for committing election fraud.

Anonymous said…
Dusty Johnson wants to be Governor. Everyone in the state knows this. He has no intention of running for Congress. It's a publicity stunt.
Max Power said…
which debates did Herseth duck in her campaign against Diedrich? I remember seening several. Or did you just make it up?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:43am --

Here's what J-Ro said about Dusty last month -- "During the 2004 election campaign I worked closely with another Farber Boy from another generation, Dusty Johnson. In a small way I worked on Dusty’s campaign against the three term PUC Commissioner. Dusty also has a tremendous intellect and is as good as there is in State Government today on Policy. Dusty who is just thirty years old has a bright political future in South Dakota."

Here's what he said in February 2007 --

"In South Dakota State Government we have the personnel who understand this. PUC Commissioner Dusty Johnson handled energy issues for Governor Rounds prior to his election to the PUC, where Dusty continues to work earnestly on energy issues and wind development."

Hardly sounds like they're enemies... Can you back up your assertion?
Anonymous said…
eric - PP is attempting to say that Herseth ducked debate with Whalen, but it's a pretty dubious charge. She debated the guy who accused her of being impregnated by her Chief of Staff three times in 2006.

Apparently, unless she debates someone fifteen times, she's ducking debates.

But I'm sure PP will be perfectly willing to attack any Republican who agrees to only three debates with some nutjob fringe loser Democrat.
Anonymous said…
hate to say it:

I don't care that Rosenthal is a jew or a muslim or a any other kind of heathen. I do care that he's trying to turn our party into the kind of multicultural, appeasement oriented, socially liberal party that the democrats are. i'm not anti sematic, i'm anti liberal. And Rosenthal is a liberal.
Anonymous said…
Weasel...twerp...the name-callers are at work again. Grow up. If you have a problem with Dusty, talk about something like his work on the PUC. Name-calling isn't going to cut it.
Anonymous said…
In Response to 9:43am:

I think you're right, and I think it's working. When was the last time anyone talked about Dusty Johnson?

See, there, I did it again.

I think your analysis is right on.
Anonymous said…
9:34am - LOL!

If Leslee has her way, we'll all have dusty johnsons...
Anonymous said…
As a Republican, I reluctantly agree with 10:00. Mr. Whalen, as a candidate, was an embarrassment. It was a waste of time for Ms. Herseth Sandlin to debate him. One thing about 10:00's comment...there's an unfortunate grammatical juxtiposition..."being impregnated by her Chief of Staff three times in 2006." There's one for the record books! LOL
Anonymous said…
If the only thing we've got on Herseth is that she should have debated Whalen more than three times, we're in trouble.

Who in the world is going to say, "I'm voting for Dusty because she only debated Bruce Whalen three times?"
Anonymous said…
I think Dusty is a very nice, very sincere young man. He is very respectful to his elders, and has a darling wife. He is considerate and friendly.

Herseth comes across as nice and sweet, but she has a pretty nasty political operation behind her - a lot of people who cut their teeth working for Daschle who go for the jugular. They'll have a field day with a nice guy like Dusty.

I'm not saying he can't win, but I'm saying he better ready for ready for lots of attacks - both on the tv screens, and the more mean-spirited rumor campaigns and personal swipes at him and his family.
Anonymous said…
8:49, 8:56, 8:56, 9:13, 9:17, 9:34, 9:47

This is what is wrong with the Republican Party in South Dakota. Granted there could of been a few Democrat comments in there but for the most part they sounded like bitter jealous Republicans. This is why we lose good people. Who wants to run for office when your motive is questioned at every turn? "hand that little overambitious weasel his ass" Now come on. Someone takes initiative to run for office, carry a ton of Republican water, and win statewide office and that is the thanks you get? I know Dusty Johnson pretty well. We were at USD together and I know that he loves South Dakota. People too often misinterpret someone's dedication and love for South Dakota for pure political gain. I'm here to tell you that Dusty genuinely cares for our state and would do an outstanding job in whatever office he holds. He is the future of the Republican Party in South Dakota. Put your jealousy aside for the good of our party and the good of South Dakota.
Anonymous said…
It is unfortunate that some of the posters here resort to name-calling and personal smears rather than comment on policies or performance. You don't have to like a candidate, but you should have enough common courtesy to state facts rather than call someone a "weasal".

Dusty is a good strong conservative family man. He is honest and has an incredible amount of integrity.
Anonymous said…
"I do care that he's trying to turn our party into the kind of multicultural ... party that the democrats are."

Thanks for being so honest. We've all known for some time that this is the way most Republicans think, but very few of them have the courage to be so straightfoward about it.
Anonymous said…
As Joel Rosenthal speculated on his blog, it may end up being be Stephanie running for senate, so Dusty looking to run for House may be based upon his belief that it could be an open seat. In any event, Republican hopefuls don't want to wait much longer before getting started laying the groundwork for a campaign - even if they later decide to take a pass.

If Dusty were to make a strong house campaign and lose, I don't think it hurts him in a 2010 governor's race. To the contrary, his name will be fresh in people's minds.

The question is not whether Dusty can be a good congressman and a good father, but whether he can be: 1) a functioning PUC Commissioner; 2) an aggressive house candidate; and 3) a good father all at the same time. But he is ambitious.
Anonymous said…
If Brendan Johnson decided to run for the House, could his father's campaign committee spend the million they've got in the bank on Brendan's campaign?

That would be a pretty sizable problem.
Anonymous said…
Dusty would be competitive in an open seat, and would have as much of a shot as anyone in the state.

He would get smoked by Herseth. Rosenthal knows this, as does Dusty. This is about an open seat, predicated on Johnson not running. Dusty is smart enough not to challenge Herseth.
Anonymous said…
"If Dusty were to make a strong house campaign and lose, I don't think it hurts him in a 2010 governor's race."

I agree. But if gets killed by Herseth, it certainly does. If it's an open seat, I think you're right. If he challenges Herseth, his chances of being competitive are far, far less...
Anonymous said…
10:25 -

"mean-spirited rumor campaigns and personal swipes"

Those sound like Republican campaign tactics to me. Like how Whalen's campaign spread horrible lies about Herseth and then refused to appologize.
Anonymous said…
Oh my god! "Pulling the lever" on Stephanie instead of some "Dusty Johnson." Did I really read that here, PP? (and is your nickname really "PP"? Wow!)
Angie said…
I'm with anon 9:25. I seriously doubt Senator Johnson will run for another term, and the Dems don't have a better candidate for the Senate spot than Herseth. Besides, if Rounds decides to run (I know he's still claiming that he won't, but I don't buy it), the Rounds/Herseth fight will be one we'll still be talking about in 10 years.

Denise Ross was talking about this on her blog a few weeks ago. Once you get below the big players in either party, the House race stands a good chance of being a big free-for-all.

As for Herseth Sandlin's record on "supporting the troops," that's a huge misnomer. She (and other House Democrats) were the ones that were voting to give the existing troops more equipment (like body armor). That's awfully supportive.

When they're trying to mediate a civil war that's been going on since way before we were ever there, and will be going on for years and years to come (whether we're there or not), the most supportive thing she can do is to bring them home.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
12:43. Yeah, cool huh?
Two posters at exacly the same second.
Do we get a prize for that PP?!
Anonymous said…
11:20 the answer is yes. In general, Federal campaign money can be transfered to a different federal campaign. However, money raised for a state campaign fund cannot be transferred to a federal campaign fund (Bill Janklow still has much of his gubernatorial campaign fund). I say "in general". The rules are not quite that simple.

I wouldn't expect a wholesale handover of the whole account though, but I'm just guessing.
Anonymous said…
I'll take Herseth Sandlin and give the points against any Republican candidate for House.

But, I think Johnson will retire and she'll be running for the Senate in '08 and she'll be tough to beat.
Anonymous said…
12:43 brings up a good issue for its own topic. Denise Ross attempted it over at Hoghouse, but she doesn’t generate the discussion that War College does. Once you get past the top tier, who is left? She mentioned republicans Steve Kirby, Dusty Johnson, Jarrod Johnson and Barb Everist and democrats Scott Heidepriem, Mel Olson, BJ Nesselhuf and Brendan Johnson. I don’t know if she was putting up these names as the top ‘tier 2’ contenders or if she was just throwing them out. What do you think PP? Worthy of a separate post at the War College?
Anonymous said…
BJ? Walt Disney should have had such an imagination.
Anonymous said…
yeah...Dykstra is much better.
Anonymous said…
That was sarcasm
Anonymous said…

Once and for all explain the "love" you show dykstra? Please, last you were promising that Ted Klaudt would be back. Where do you come up with these wacky ideas?
Angie said…
I don't think Denise Ross was putting them up as tier 2 candidates...I think it was something more like "Once you get past the major players, it's sort of a free for all....even Ben Nesselhuf could run!"

That's how I took it, anyway.
Anonymous said…
I suspect Dennis Daugaard will make a strong candidate for Governor in 2010 if he chooses. Long resume, and well liked.

But he would also be a formidable candidate for either the US House or Senate in 2008 without giving up the Lt. Governorship. He's close to T. Denny Sanford and part of the GOP/Chamber of Commerce establishment. He would be extremely well funded, and would be the instant frontrunner in a primary against either Dusty Johnson or Joel Dykstra.

Some additional speculation: Should Daugaard win a congressional race, who would be appointed Lt. Governor? Would he cut a deal for his cousin Tim Rave (who by then will be Speaker of the House)? Or would it be Tom Dempster, friend of Mike? Or someone else?
Anonymous said…
Gov Rounds still hasn't made a decision on the senate seat. He'd be the only legit competition for Herseth - Sandlot.

I don't envision Dykstra winning either slot regardless. He's lookin' for work in all the wrong places.

Daugaard doesn't seem interested in anything other than Gov in 2010 and yes, he will be a strong, well-funded candidate. He could also absolutely win a House seat.

Assuming his "dad" (J-Ro) isn't running the campaign - Dusty can win an open-house seat. I just hope the young man doesn't think he's capable of beating the pricess at this stage.

An open house seat can create all kinds of speculation and opportunity especially for Dusty. There is a wide range of "2nd tier" republican (potential) candidates out there that would turn the deal into a free-for-all. All of which plays into Dusty's favor.

Jim Seward is getting mention, Bob Gray gets mention here from time to time, Dave Knudson (maybe a congressional winner), Larry Russell, Thune & Rounds chiefs Matt Zabel & Rob Skjonsberg, Bob Sutton, Mrs. Krebs, et al.

Dusty, you can win an open seat. Don't listen to the loons here that say differently. You can beat all of these "2nd Tier" people in a primary --- including Dykstra. The general election would be a walk for the republican in an open-seat house race.
Anonymous said…
If he chooses to run, Dusty will win against Stephanie Surrender. Where can I send money and what can I do to help?

Some of you people say that I wasn't much of a candidate but I picked up nearly 100,000 votes starting with zero name recognition on a $150,000.00. I also did this in a state that Democrats said would not support an Indian candidate. I did this with little help from Thune the State GOP or the National GOP while having a rookie campaign manager. What did you do beside vote for Pelosi's puppet?

Bruce -

Eric at 9:57 - Herseth ducked over 10 public debates with me. For example she ducked me at Sioux Falls, Mitchell, Aberdeen, Huron and Pine Ridge. She prefers scripted studio/preening events. I also understand she ducked debates with Diedrich as well.

Anon 10:00 am - you are a liar, I didn't say those things. As for my campaign manager, I directed him to clear things up with Herseth but she would not take his call.
Anonymous said…
7:14 Let's face it Bruce. You conducted your campaign so poorly, Stephanie effortlessly bent you over and put yo' li'l rusty johnson back where the sun don't shine.

Better luck next time, Ace.

(...clue: trying to pretend you did a good job cuts no cred nowhere. It's mea culpa time, homeboy.)
Anonymous said…
6:37 has outstanding list of candidates, although Matt Zabel has never worked for Rounds.

I agree with those who say that Daugaard seems to be focused on the 2010 governor's race, if anything.

But my main point - I think it is clear that Dusty wants to be governor. But Dusty is only THIRTY YEARS OLD - he could run for governor in 2034 and only be in his mid fifties. My point is, he is smart enough that he won't feel compelled to jump into the govenror's race in 2010. He would only be 32 - very young to be elected Governor. On the other hand, we routinely have elected people to Congress in their early thirties (Pressler, Herseth, Daschle) - and Dusty could view the US House seat as a good step between PUC and the Governor's office.
Anonymous said…
There is already going to be crowded field for governor in 2010 - Probably Schoenbeck, probably Daugaard, maybe Knudson, maybe some others. I just have trouble thinking that Dusty could come out of that primary and I doubt he thinks so either.
Anonymous said…
I think a lot of people are overlooking a potential candidate with an excellent resume and track record. Matt Michels was a two-term Speaker of the House. Had a good working relationship with Ds and Rs. There are many Ds who have said they would support him if he runs for anything statewide. Military background, attorney, nurse, and civic activities. He would be an excellent candidate and wouldn't have the Sioux Falls stigma, for what that is worth anymore.
Anonymous said…
Michels is another good candidate. Throw him in with Daugard, Schoenbeck, Knudson and there's no room for Dusty. I don't know who comes out of that primary - Daugard is my guess
Anonymous said…
Agree, Gov's race is waayy too crowded and way out of his league at least in 2010 for Dusty. "Move over youngster."

He is no where near being ready for that game with that caliber of competition. Michels is definately a contender though.

But, in the end it will be the Daugaard & Schoenbeck show. Whichever comes out of the primary, wins the general.

Alas, this is about Dusty running for House or Senate. Psst, pick the one that Stephy isn't in and you have a crack.
Anonymous said…
Rep. Deb Peters should take on Stephanie next time around and campaign as the true conservative, family values candidate. It may take a young woman to beat Stephanie.
Anonymous said…
Deb Peters? "true conservative, Family values candidate"

Anonymous said…
Peters votes against tax increases and for abortion bans and abstinence-only sex ed. Is that not the record of a true conservative? Good looking family too.
Anonymous said…
Moon Pie Deb vs. New Haircut Steph?

Huh. Yeah, that would be fun. But unfortunately, over REAL Fast.
Anonymous said…
Deb Peters - young?? She also voted against tax cuts. Conservative??
Anonymous said…
.....and she's a CPA, and has great west river connections,

sure deb, 'you con doo itt'
Anonymous said…

When you post things like this, it makes the case as to why Stephanie shouldn't have debated you once. You were a joke of a candidate, and you ran a pathetic campaign. You refused to apologize after your campaign spread pretty nasty lies about Herseth, and now claim she's to blame because she wouldn't take your peon campaign manager's phone call? You act like you're somehow entitled to have 13 debates with a sitting member of congress after acting like a three year old?

What in the world makes you think you're ENTITLED to debates? Or that you're ENTITLED to an apology phone call after you did one of the slimiest things in the history of South Daktoa politics?

The pinnacle of your campaign was getting your petitions signed. But circulating petitions doesn't entitle you to anything. If whining were an effective campaign tactic, you would have won. But it's not. Despite your claims that you did a good job, you got creamed. Anyone with an "R" after their name should get 35% in South Dakota. You didn't even do that. Getting beat 70% to 30% isn't "doing a good job."

Go whine somewhere else.
Anonymous said…
jim seward.

Anonymous said…
Tim Rounds.

Angie said…

You managed to get 100,000 votes on the fact that you were the Republican candidate, and this is South Dakota. We re-invented voting along party lines.

The Democrats weren't wrong about the lack of support for a Native candidate. You ended up with less thsn 30% of the vote. In 2004, the Diedrich campaign spent nearly 2.5 million dollars, compared to your $150,000 in 2006. If that isn't a "lsck of support," I don't know what is.
Anonymous said…
I would still like to see Billie Jo Waara run for statewide office. She is young, conservative, well-composed, intelligent, and has a good track record for Toursim as well as in the Minnehaha County Treasurer's office. She would make an excellent candidate for Congress or Senate. She would also be an excellent LG candidate.
Anonymous said…
Billie Jo might be a super candidate someday. Lacking some things, mainly experience and exposure, she should probably run for a legislative seat first to prove herself. Tourism industry support and a stint in sf's can't get you elected.Sorry kid, you sound wonderful, but doubt you're ready for the majors yet.
Anonymous said…
Hey, PP, you dolt, read
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha! Bob Newland called somebody a dolt.

Bob, you dope-smoking dried up bitter old bag of $hit, go spread your hate and bitterness somewhere else.
Anonymous said…
Hey, 4:21,what are you doing at 4:21?
Anonymous said…
I guess I am a dolt too, because
I don't understand what Mr. Newland's comment has to do with anything....
Anonymous said…
9:18 Looking for the Oxycontin bottle?
Anonymous said…
9:32, it has to do with the fact that PP endorses putting sick, disabled and dying people in prison for attempting to alleviate their conditions.
Anonymous said…
Still don't understand the relevance to this thread, Newland.
Anonymous said…
Do I have to spell it out? Okay.

Herseth-Spandex votes to continue federal raids on sick, disabled and dying people. Johnson hasn't said anything publicly (that I know of) about whether he thinks sick people should have safe access to medicine that works for them.

That's the connection.
Anonymous said…
Bob Newland can turn any post into a maryjane/ doobie/ reefer/ 420/ ganja/ wacky weed post.

There's always an angle for Bob.

And to hear Bob tell it, if PP ain't for the good stuff he's just no good. But if Bob were any good he'd be writing dope rhymes for Snoop Dog, getting the good blunts in Cali' and making the benjamins.

Do your smokin' and tokin' on your own time, good time Bob. I think the fuzz has enough for a warrant.
Anonymous said…
7:27, still a slim (if non-existent) connection, as 10:30 so aptly pointed out. 10:30 is right. You can turn any thread into your obsession for this. It's OK if you are dedicated to something you believe in, but don't waste everybody's time at the drop of a hat.
Anonymous said…
"don't waste everybody's time"

That's pretty funny as part of a thread that includes 87 comments of no value, and my three pointing up the hypocrisy of most of the rest.
Anonymous said…
JACK-10:33 AM

I don't think Bruse thought he was "Entitled" to debates.....he thought the people of South Dakota were....

the truth of the matter is, Bruce was in it for the right reasons- He really believes in the GOP and it's platform....unfortunately, people like that can never win Elections.

Another name to consider for the Congress seat is Rapid City's own Alan Nelson-perfect candidate if he would agree to do it
Anonymous said…
9:48am -

How many debates were the people entitled to? They got three, broadcast across the state on television. Bruce seems to think that if they didn't get 13, they were somehow cheated.

And I saw the public television debate. I noticed how Bruce stopped calling for debates as soon as they had one.
Anonymous said…
Watching bruce debate stephi was painful...painful. It made me sad as a republican that this is who we tossed to the wolf (and no I don't mean the impregnated by COS wolf).

Dusty would do fine if he didn't come off as too wonkish.
Max Power said…
Bruce, PP and the rest who are discussing the issue of debates:

Pat wrote "it means that the Congresswoman is not going to get the luxury of ducking debates for a third election in a row."

If Pat is talking about 2008 as the third. What debates did Herseth duck in 2004?

I noticed there have been no answers to my question, posted about 70 comments ago. I'm guessing this is a smear with no substance, but I'm waiting for the response.

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