I got in the paper. And it wasn't even for a traffic violation.

In case you missed it yesterday, Rapid City Journal columnist and Dakota Voice Blogger Bob Ellis did a story in the paper on the South Dakota blogosphere - and everyone was invited:
Todd Epp, a Harrisburg lawyer who publishes the liberal SD Watch blog, was one of the first to interview Jeff Gannon of Talon News, who reported Tom Daschle’s Washington D.C. citizenship; Gannon was later found to have pictures of himself naked appearing on a homosexual Web site.

Pat Powers, who lives in Brookings and has been active in Republican politics for years, runs the conservative South Dakota War College blog. Powers has been ahead of the curve on a number of breaking stories, including the incident concerning state Sen. Dan Sutton last year.

Sparks sometimes fly between the liberal Clean Cut Kid blog and conservative Sibby Online. Chad Schuldt, who publishes CCK, has worked for Sens. Tim Johnson and Tom Daschle in the past.

Steve Sibson of Mitchell, publishing Sibby Online, is also very active and can often be found in the halls and chambers of the Capitol building during the legislative session.
Go check out the whole article here.


Anonymous said…
The liberal bloggers who like to call Ellis all kinds of nasty names should take note of this column -- free publicity for them and no icky name-calling. I'm not saying Ellis doesn't do the name-calling thing at other times. But he had a chance here to be critical of the liberal blogs in the condescending manner that they often employ, but he didn't. I wonder that if one of them had the same opportunity, they would be as kind.
Anonymous said…
...or the editor as stringent...
Publisher said…
There was no mention of the Holabird Advocate, or the Hog House! Clearly not all of tyhe best people were invited!
Isn't that right, Denise?
Anonymous said…
The mainstream media have many faults, but at least they don't spend so much time patting each other on the back as bloggers do.
Anonymous said…
12:37 Interesting point. That's because blogs are a completely different medium and are not in competition with each other. Instead, they recognize themselves as hubs in a vast information network. Traditional media is just beginning to realize, appreciate and participate in this.
Publisher said…
And nobody if forcing people to read their blogs either.
cp said…
Waaah! The Bob didn't mention me, being very Rapid City centric... I thought I deserved an honorable mention anyway.

I'll get over it.

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