C'mon guys. Play nice.

Clearly, we're in the doldrums of waiting for a political season to start.

Yes, I know it was first starting to get weird when I offered that I thought the DEM self-labeled animal activist staffer could possibly have a problem relating to a group like the stockgrowers. Which quickly proceeded downhill into beef bucks and tamales.

Now, the back and forth is beginning with Sibby initmating in jest that some of the Dem bloggers should prepare to commit seppuku, since we may get Ellsworth removed from the base closure list. And in turn, Thune Watch is demanding that Sibby apologize for suggesting so, because it was "wholly inappropriate" and "completely insensitive and trivializes the tragedy of suicide."

Can't we all just get along like our elected officials? No? OK. Never mind.


Bob Newland said…
"Sibson’s comment is a wholly inappropriate. It is completely insensitive and trivializes the tragedy of suicide." --Theron McChesney

Why do I think McChesney would pronounce "Sibson" "Thibthon", and "insensitive" "inthenthetive"?

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