A note from the Senator
If you want to sign, here's where you can do it.

I had a note from Bill Napoli on my personal e-mail this evening. I was wondering what it could be about, but it was pretty innocent. I got a nice note on where people could sign the STOP Petition. If you're interested, here's where the STOP Petition tour is headed this summer.

From the e-mail message (these are their words not mine):
The committee to Stabilize Taxes on Property (STOP) will circulate petitions at the following events.

Fall River County Fair, Edgemont
4-7th August We will be in the parade and in a booth at the Fair Grounds August 6th 10AM

Sioux Empire Fair
9-14 August 2005, Sioux Falls , SD

Custer County Fair
11-14 August 2005, Hermosa , SD

Dakota Fest
16-18 August 2005, Mitchell SD

County Fair & Threshing Bee
19-24 August 2005, Faith SD

Central States Fair
19-28 August 2005, Rapid City SD

Deadwood Cool Nights
25-28 August 2005, Deadwood SD

SD State Fair
3-10 September 2005, Huron SD

Deadwood Jam
16-17 September, Deadwood SD

It is important to get this issue on the ballot for the 2006 November election. Let the People Decide! We only have one shot at this and we really need your help!

Will you help? If so, please call or email:

Lowell Porter: 605-348-6843 lporter@enetis.net

Janette McIntyre 605-348-7850 jkmcintyre@rushmore.com

Bill Napoli: 605-348-7373 billnapoli@gmail.com or call 605-341-2370 and leave a message

I think they missed ribfest, schmeckfest, lifelight, and the pickle licking contest at the buffalo chip campground next week.

All ribbing aside, you have to admit this group is pretty serious about the effort. It's an aggressive campaign effort for a group that already has 20,000 signatures gathered. And they have several months to gather about 15,000 more petition signatures. Then they only have to get through the Secretary of State's office.

I had some interesting exposure to the petition process several years back . My Dad's PI business was hired to break a petition. Not to drop it, but to investigate whether everything was handled properly. Did the petition circulator witness the signatures, etc.

Actually, unless you are over the required number by a comfortable cushion, petitions can sometimes easily be busted.

They tried that with the petitions we filed to refer the Pierre reorganization to a vote of the people. Someone affiliated with the city (and I know who, because he was calling county empoyees who signed it) went and checked the registration of each and every person who signed to make sure it was valid. Luckily, we had enough good ones even with the ones that were knocked out for one reason or another. But it still knocked out over 50 or so.

So you have to be careful. READ THE PETITION CIRCULATION RULES AND FOLLOW THEM TO THE LETTER! (from the Secretary of State's website).

On the opposite side of the game? Know the rules yourself. Disqualifying a petition uses the same set of regulations.

Besides, I'd hate to have a ballot inititative declaring SD War College the official state blog killed because someone didn't follow proper procedure.


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