Posting Lite. With 110 Calories

Sorry for the light posting this weekend.

I just flew down the highway back to Pierre from moving the family to Brookings this weekend, and boy, are my arms tired. And my legs and my @$$. I moved furniture. Then I moved garbage bags full of clothes. And for fun, I moved even more furniture.

And when I got done, I helped the guys moving the furniture I bought and paid for them to move this weekend. After four attempts these high school boys didn't think they could get my new couch in. My 15+ years of moving furniture for the family auction business disagreed.

And with my tutelage, it was a tight fit, but we made it. My sectional couch was complete.

Anyway, as soon as I have a chance to read this weekend's newspapers and e-mails, I'll post. For now, I'm going to bed.


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