Hey, Maka Duta!

Under a previous post, under comments, there had been a little discussion where Maka Duta’s name was invoked by Jack, one of the SDWC readers (I think in response to a prior post I did invoking her name). This was back on 11/1.

Well, today I was checking comments, and what should appear in my comment box, but a reply to that comment from the lady herself, Becky Red Earth Villeda, a.k.a., Maka Duta.

Maka Duta disagreed with a few of the characterizations, and in the interest of fairness, I wanted to give her the opportunity to speak her piece. From the comments without changing one word, Maka Duta:

Everyone wants to be so intelligent and knowledgable of all subject matters and yet noone (As far as I can see) has bothered to check the "FACTS" of the matter where I am concerned. First, the case was dismissed because as the SD Attorney general (Mark Barnett) stated in court "Your Honor, the Handwriting Expert witness said they were signed by the plaintiffs and not Maka Duta!" When he tells us that he shot us out of the saddle, so your Honor, I move to dismiss as I do not want to waste the courts time, or Maka Duta's time!" So Moved says the Honorable Judge.

Now I was the number #1 story for the year of 2002 on all stations and on a National Level, quite honestly, I was charged, tried, and found guilty by the media even before I was ever physically charged and in the end it was dismissed and today I read my name STILL being used in a Bad way, when in fact "I AM THE VICTIM AND IT STILL CONTINUES"

Stephanie H. was not my boss, but I worked with her as I worked with all the Democrat Candidates in campaigning out in the field for them and getting their literature out for them, even plywood signs on most of the reservations. Even though I worked with them and they knew I didn't do anything wrong, not one of them spoke up for me and all the work I had done for them which by the way, I did not get paid for. Instead, they distanced themselves from me because of what the media was saying and didn't bother to set the media straight. I am only one but the Power of One can be impactfull and depending on the way you use it. When I vote for someone, it will be someone using the Power of One and stating the truth even if it doesn't happen to be a public favorite which gained their recognition from unfounded lies and not in a good way. The only one who said something in the light of truth and not necessarily standing up for me was "Tom Daschle", Thank you Tom Daschle.

From Oct. 9, 2002 to date, things that have been changed because of things I had suppossedly done and even after the dismissal, has not been corrected.

A new law as to the registering of native americans which makes it even harder for them to register and lets face it, no money to buy another I.D. card, and without that you can not register. Next would be the transportation needed to get them to register and vote. It just isn't fair, but throughout history of our people, this is an ongoing established recorded way in which our people have been dealt with. Can't put no spin on history unless of course, someone wants to rewrite it and tone the truth down.

All I'm saying is #1 Before you start engaging your mouth (keyboard in this case) PLEASE check out the FACTS for every word you type because you can hurt, help, retain, or destroy someone. #2 Vote for the truth and someone that can state the truth no matter what! IN REGARDS, TO 2002 ELECTIONS, I DIDN'T SEE ONE THAT WAS INTERESTED IN THE TRUTH, DEMOCRATE OR REPUBLICAN AND AT THE STATE LEVEL.

I leave you with this!

I should know what I'm talking about, for I AM.

MAKA DUTA - http://www.geocities.com/makaduta_1
Interesting stuff. Clearly, she's miffed at the Democrates.

But even more interesting, on the way back from Lunch this afternoon, I got two things stuck in my head. The e-mail from Maka Duta. And the insipid song “The Macarena.” Which had me chanting all the way back to the office - "Hey! Maka Duta!"

Now if she'd only tell us why she recently got banished.


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