Here's one I do like

Ethan Schmidt is running one of the few ads I wouldn't touch, because it's done right. I'm not partial to black, but that's a personal preference. Name and office, with a nice picture. It doesn't try to be all things to all people. It's a name ID ad.

I think I'd mentioned it before that Ethan is running against Delores Coffing, whose most noticeable accomplishment on the Pennington County Commission seems to be the consumption of oxygen. She's also the one who had the Alcohol Tax issue handed to her for stewardship, and she let that whole thing wither on the vine. (So, no, I'm not a Delores fan)

Regardless - good ad.


Anonymous said…
I dare say I might even support Adelstein over Coffing,,lol

Ethan is a fine man and a big step up for Pennington County if he can win.
Anonymous said…
I am usually not a fan of black either, but as a newspaper ad, it sets itself well against other advertisements as well as the regular newspaper content.
Anonymous said…
I would hope Ethan would have a good newspaper ad his Dad, Ron, is the Republican National Committeeman.
PP said…
Jay, not that I disagree or have a personal problem with what you're saying, but without distinct proof that you are who you are and a few other things, if I don't know that I could back up your posting in court.

So, it's being redacted.
PP said…
Jay, sorry. Anonymous is worse, and puts more responsibility on me.
PP said…
Jay - just to provide a bit more of an explanation, sometimes when I myself post something rather salacious, it's because I have first-hand knowledge, I've talked to one or more of the principles involved, and I've got a pretty decent evidence trail.

Posting a story involving a possibly illegal act just on your say so isn't something a newspaper is likely to do, and they have a better legal department than I do.

Like I said, nothing personal, but it's the tradeoff for allowing comments.
Anonymous said…
Your rather liberal with your definition of "redact", aren't you PP? "Outright censureship" might better describe your actions. I think Ethan Schmidt must be heading up your "legal department", because I doubt very much that I'd have any problem, say, getting this published in a letter to the RC Journal editor. My personal experience with Mr. Schmidt is that he's not the "fine man" that anonymous states. Though it's true that I have little proof, I strongly suspect him of thug-like tendencies and I find his credit record to be less than
stellar. Jay
PP said…
Jay, believe it or not, I've tried getting first hand accounts such as yours published in other political races, and it's always been no go.

If you want to try to get it published in the Journal, or another blog, that's certainly your perogative. Heck, you can even start your own, and I'd probably link to it. I'm linked to plenty of blogs that beat the hell out of me.

But as far as I have to look at it, and the standards (albeit, low standards) I have, it's no different than someone making a posting that someone is gay, or someone is committing adultery. And I dump those posts as well.

Might I think it's true? Possibly. Can I prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt? No. You say he did it. I'm sure he'd disagree.

Lacking conclusive evidence, back when I was an investigator, we'd call that a question of fact which would have to go to a legal process (i.e., court).

I'm not trying to call you out on it, or say you're lying. I'm not playing favorites. (In fact, I'm a little miffed at Ethan's dad for supporting the democrat in a judge's race in RC)

I'm just saying I can't back it up, so I can't allow it. It goes beyond political commentary into accusations of a nature I'm not in a position to defend. Nothing more.
Anonymous said…
PP: I DO see your point, and I would be lying if I were to deny having a personal vendetta against Ethan. Assuming that the facts I stated are true, perhaps you can understand just exactly why that is the case! I'm being petty and I should have slept on it before getting myself all worked up, so "Good Luck Ethan, I hope you win!" (fingers firmly crossed behind my back). J.

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