251st post
My philosophy

In the prior post regarding the Grassroot Dems's, there was an excellent comment challenging my view of the GOP. I believe in limited government, and Anon#4 pointed out that I might be a little too much of an idealist:
Anonymous said...
Your Republican values are not in line with the party you continue to support. Your party once was a good and decent party that did more than just masturbate over limited governance. It followed it, at one time. But not any more.

Republicans are all about big government. Only they skirt the issue by outsourcing everything to high priced people like KBR and Halliburton. They spend more money on stuff and somehow nobody calls them on it.

I would be a Republican too if the party was as you describe in your post. It doesn't. I've quit lying to myself. Are you doing to do the same?
Admittedly, it gives one pause to think. My response? Well, it was kinda harsh. But Anon #4, be encouraged, there are some of us true believers still left in the party.

I look at it this way, I could leave the party because I'm p*ssed off, which I did for a while a few years back. And then I was on the outside and nothing got any better. At least if I'm somewhat in the system, I can help candidates get elected who think the way I do.

I've deal with too many people who believe government is a means to an end. Financial, Social, Political. they're all the same. Government should be there to fulfill a limited function. And that should be it. If I walk away, isn't that the same as letting them win by default?

They don't get the fact that if you don't stand for something tangible, you will be consigned to the dust bin of history. In the end, I don't believe governments change the world. It's the vision of individuals. We don't recount the glories of committees. But we remember individual vision.

And those rugged individualists in the South Dakota Republican Party - You might call them rednecks. Some people in my party have termed them renegades and crazies. Well, that's who I cast my lot with. Right or wrong, left or right, I side with the people who stand for something. And there are far too few of them. Many are satisfied with licking their finger and putting it up to see which way the breeze is going instead of leading.

And that's really sad. Because the people who believe in something are what the Republican Party is founded on. Not the people who think Government is there to enrich. The only thing Government should guarantee is equal opportunity, and that's about it. It's up to individual initiative to make it happen.

That's why I pick a couple young idealistic GOP candidates every election and do what I can. I try to help people who aren't grossly self interested. I try to help people who want to make a difference. Because there's getting to be fewer and fewer of them out there in this cynical world of ours.


Anonymous said…
I'd rather shit in my pants and roll around in it than be a Republican.
PP said…
That would explain a lot.
Anonymous said…
Great article! You articulated exactly how many republicans feel; however, will anyone actually do anything about the problems? Will anyone stand up and be heard? That is difficult to say. Our leadership here in South Dakota does not hold the high moral ground. We do not hold our leaders accountable for questionable ethics and behavior, even if it is potentially legal. Unfortunately, the leadership in Pierre is ethics challenged and bankrupt of ideas. It is time for a change.

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