MAINstream Coalition Board is out of the bag

Hat tip to the Argus Leader. Dave Kranz in his column today reports on the gathering of MAINstream coalition members and observers in Sioux Falls this last week. He also points out who sits on the nine member board:

Board members are David Volk, former state director for Rep. Bill Janklow; former Republican Rep. Jan Nicolay; former Democratic legislator Mel Olson of Mitchell; Bob Duffett, Dakota Wesleyan University president; Katherine Kinsman, former secretary of health; former Sen. Arlene Ham of Rapid City; Watertown banker Gary Schofield; and the Rev. Dave Zellmer of Pierre.

According to the article, State Sen. Tom Dempster said“Some people will say this is a charge on the Republican Party, on the Democratic Party. Not at all. This is Republicans Plus and Democrats on Steroids,” he said.

Republicans Plus? I'm not going to touch that one. I'll just leave it to the tender mercies of those who comment on this blog. (Although, "Republicans Lite" briefly came to mind).

I suspect we'll be hearing more in reply on this from our friends west of the Missouri River very soon.


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