Post - Weekend update. Busy week in politics

It's been a bad computer weekend. Right before I left for Brookings, I nuked a keyboard with diet coke, and my Internet was unhooked because someone thought I had moved. As opposed to calling and saying "PP, have you moved?" To which I would have answered, "no, not yet."

But, we're cool now. Robbed a keyboard off of another computer, and just got my internet service restored. As always, I enjoyed spending time with the family. MP wasn't feeling well, so I cooked. I wasn't sure how sick she was going to be, so I pre-made meals for several days, and even made about 5 dozen cookies for the kids. By the time I left, MP was feeling better, and the kids tore through the cookies taking them down to 1 dozen by the time I got in the car.

So, from scoping out my e-mail box and the news - what's up in the world of politics this week?

* Aside from being "dissed" by J-Ro over at Straight Talk, the STOP petition drive is rolling along at over 30,000 signatures at the moment. They're also having a pancake feed, as Bill Napoli announced in a press release:
FREE PANCAKE FEED sponsored by Sylvia Conrad to be held at the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn Sunday September 25th from 10 AM to 2 PM. The sponsor of this Sunday's Pancake Feed event, Sylvia Conrad, says, "Come down and enjoy a pancake, sign a petition, or turn your petitions in, and help us get this measure on the ballot."
* Major news today on Homestake. It looks like it now belongs to the State of SD. Check out this KELO Land Story which was the first to break the news after the announcement by the Governor.

* The next South Dakota GOP Central Committee meeting where controversial bylaw changes are being proposed has been changed once again. Just like whack-a-mole the meeting date for 10/1 disappeared, and has now reappeared on Sunday October 23rd at 2pm at the Kings Inn, in Pierre.

* Speaking of the SD GOP, it looks like they took my advice and added a little meat to their next effort at a fundraising letter after I gave them a hard time about the last one. Please note the howard Dean 85k topic in my example letter - it was the primary focus of the one they just sent out.

Except for forgetting to reiterate the dollar amount pitch in the P.S., I give this letter a solid "B." It showed the need, fired up the GOP base, and made the request. If only they would quit low balling on the dollar amount.

Noting that Thunewatch didn't care for the letter, All I can say is "silly rabbit, it's not meant for Democrats." I'm sure many of the Democrat fundraising letters would inflame me as much as this one did them.

* Anti-subsidy forces in Brookings are making a hard charge against Lowe's. I'll do a post on the advertising this week. The stuff from the organized anti-subsidy group sucked bad. But some of the independent stuff was really clever. If it goes down, that's going to be why.

* The Medical Marijuana group (and very likely several police agencies) will be gathered September 23 and 24, at the Elk View Campground, by Sturgis. They're having an event to raise money for the the Alex White Plume legal defense fund and to the South Dakota Safe Access to Medical Cannabis petition drive.

* The Pierre Chamber of Commerce is hosting Lunch with the Governor on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 from 11:45am to 1:15pm at the Governor's new residence. Tickets are limited. This event is open to the public - both chamber members and non-members. Call the Pierre Chamber at 224-7361 for ticket registration.

* Speaking of Pierre, the Pierre City Commission is still in Battle Royal mode over the city budget. The more conservative commissioners (Glodt and Gill) are jousting with the tax and spenders (the Mayor and Weiss) over what gets cut, and Schwellenbach seems to be the deciding vote on much of this. With the fight set to continue tomorrow, we'll see where things come out.

* Brock Greenfield was interviewed by Denise Ross for the Mt. Blogmore audio blog. I'm going to download it and listen, but it looks like it is an hour long. I'll either post on the juicy parts, or make something up about our trip to the GOP convention in NYC. "Dear SD War College. I never believed those stories in those magazines until it happed to us..."


Bob Newland said…
The correct link to the "Medical Marijuana Group" event is

Not the one you have, which leads to an inactive blog.
Anonymous said…
Hey P, here's something to keep an eye should we have a special session on the Homestake opportunity. Namely, how will the Black Hills legislators, ie: Napoli and Apa, reconcile their support of STOP and other anti-tax measures with their support of the state putting $19mm into Homestake?

Hmmm, should be fun to watch . . .

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