Bryce Healy in This Weeks' SDDP Blue Note

Bryce Healy makes his recruitment pitch for Democrats in this weeks' Blue Note message. In an excerpt:
Public service is truly a rewarding experience. Yes, our numbers in Pierre are small. However, I assure you, that it is possible to elect more Democrats in our state. I know the South Dakota Democratic Party has plenty of talent and many rising stars. We just haven’t discovered them yet. Who could have imagined 27 years ago that Tom Daschle would be the country’s most powerful Democrat? Would anyone who saw George McGovern wresting with a donkey at the South Dakota State Fair think that someday he would be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States? Both of these men have gone on to do many great things for South Dakota.

Now is the time to honor their dedication to South Dakota by electing Democrats who will carry on their legacy of public service at all levels of government. We must start at the grassroots level. You must begin talking to Democratic friends and neighbors about getting involved. Encourage them to run for office or perhaps consider running yourself.
He also notes:
This is a real opportunity for South Dakota Democrats to share our positive message and from time to time to point out the flaws in the Republican Party’s agenda. This dialogue is what true democracy is all about.
(Flaws? What flaws?)

This brings up a thought. If the Democratic message and ideology is superior as many on that side of the aisle preach, then why don't more get elected in South Dakota? I mean, I think the numbers of Democratic elected officials in South dakota are close to an all time low.

Why? Because it's not just about the message. It's about the basic nuts and bolts in getting people elected. Plain and simple. Republicans have concentrated on that, and our numbers in this state show.


PP said…
Bryce, you don't have to challenge them. Just agree and come over to the Dark Side. I'll help you fill out the voter registration change card.

you'd like us - we have bigger conventions. ;)

Actually, you have a good point on the federal races. The dems have managed to hang on to two and three of them at a time for a while.

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