Nothing like a little vandalism to darken someone's day.

Between September 29th and October 4th, either someone was sloppy with a soccer ball, or they have an extreme way of voicing a political opinion.

This was the scene at South Dakota Right to Life on South Central Avenue in Pierre. The Director, Brock Greenfield, arrived back at his office after working in and out of town (including serving on the South Dakota Task Force to Study Abortion). And what he found was a glassy mess.

I'm told there was not just a little glass, but a lot of it all over the sidewalk in front of the building. Luckily, they have a double pane of glass in this window, but it still is a big expensive broken window.

I can only hope that this was a random incident involving a kid and an errant ball. Because in our society, differences of opinion should be argued and debated. Not taken out on property.

If anyone cares to make a donation towards the replacement of the window, you can send a check to:
P.O. Box 1032
Pierre, SD 57501

You can also contact the Pierre Police Department if you have any information on this being anything other than an accident.


Anonymous said…
That is unfortunate. I would hope you're right, PP, in that an accident of some sort is the cause.

Anonymous said…
There can be no doubt that readers of the SD Blogs know I have a very low opinion of the right-to-life movement, but if this is an act of vandalism, the perpetrators need to be hunted down and duly punished.
Douglas said…
Vandalism is disgusting no matter who the victim. Those of us with blogs get blasted with the online form of vandalism on nearly a daily basis.

Still have plywood over a few windows shot out be vandals. We have had several haystacks burned by vandals who also happened to be arsonists.

Vandals with rifles routinely cause many thousands of dollars of damage to highway signs.

I guess I don't quite understand those who get joy out of making others miserable.

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