Didn't I talk about the tactics of divide and conquer once already?

I knew I mentioned this once before. Back on September 12th, I opined that the SDDP's gushing praise and support for the MAINstream Moderate group was for a purpose:
It seems to me that we're watching the early stages of a campaign strategy for 2006 unfold. It wouldn't be the first group to use a strategy of divide and conquer.
Fast forward one month to the SDDP's latest edition of the Blue Note, as tooted out by Gil Koetzle:
It's not just Democrats who are sounding the alarm. If you need an indicator of the level of distaste for the current government in South Dakota, take a look at the Mainstream Coalition. Formed by Republican state legislators who fear the coming backlash against a Republican dominated government that has not served its citizens well, the Mainstream Coalition aims to embrace democratic ideals not found in the current Republican majority.
I said it before, and I'll say it again. I believe that this is a strategic move on the part of the SDDP to divide the SDGOP. Am I paranoid? Maybe. But if I were in their position, and saw some grumbling between party factions, I'd consider this an opening, and it's what I would do. Of course, they also ignore the fact that one of the SDDP's brightest stars, Mel Olson, is on the board referring to it as a Republican thing.

Anyway, what else does Gil have to say? (In his words) he wants "to bring democracy back to South Dakota." How is he going to do that? Well, he has a few suggestions, but if they try to attempt them against a unified GOP, I don't think they're going to work.

What's in the "SDDP Wish Book" this Christmas? "Elect more Democrats to the state legislature in 2006." (SDWC Magic 8 ball says - Outcome doubtful, check again later). "Elect more Democrats to statewide offices in 2006." (Outcome doubtful, check again later) "Elect a Democratic Governor in 2006." (Just forget this one guys).
Oh - on another note, I am working on my 2006 Election WIKI as suggested by Todd Epp. I may even have it all done by the weekend. It will be available at http://sdcandidates2006.wikispaces.org in case anyone wants to add to it before I put some serious effort into it.

Otherwise, I'm speaking at the Hughes County GOP luncheon Tuesday at noon (today) where I will announce my candidacy for..... Well, ok, I'm speaking on political blogging in SD. It should be mildly informative. I even did handouts.


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