J-Ro on D-Vo at SD Straight Talk

Joel Rosenthal gives his endorsement of Dave Volk's candidacy for the Sioux Falls City Commission over at SD Straight Talk. (and Joel points out Dave's participation in the Mainstream Coalition as somewhat of a negative).

Dave is a good public speaker. He has a wealth of experience statewide in politics and government. He was State Treasurer. He made 2 congressional runs. Now he's running for Sioux Falls City Commission?

I don't want to say it's ignoble, but it certainly seems to be politics at a much lower level for Dave than you might expect. But that's ok. Joel does note it's been 18 years since Dave has been on the ballot. Once you have that fire in you, it does not extinguish easily.

I read the press release with interest, especially after it noted that he's been "teaching classes, including special education, at local elementary schools." I asked my wife about that one, since she's been involved in teaching, administering, or regulating special ed in the state since before we were married.

I'll get into a full analysis of it all later, as it's time for me to scurry off to work. But suffice it to say that with all the experience behind this effort, this will be a campaign to watch.


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