You lookin' at me? Are you lookin' at ME!?!
Bill Napoli comes out swinging

Huge hat tip to the Rapid City Journal.

Did any of you read the letters to the editor from Sunday? I almost missed this one which was hidden at the bottom of the second page - the last letter in the section.

Bill Napoli had words for the person doing some opinion polling research against him. Yep. He had words. And they weren't very happy ones at that.

The Senator from Rapid City is ready to kick some tail and take some names in the almost inevitable primary race against Alice McCoy where she's going to make a run at his seat since she's term limited out of her own.

From the Rapid City Journal:
Negative polling

I'm sure many of you in District 35 have received the negative push-pull telephone poll attacking me in very slanderous terms. People have the right to get angry at their elected officials and make their dissatisfactions public.

However, the gutless person who commissioned this push-pull poll is hiding behind the fact there's no state law requiring them to identify themselves so you know who this negative poll is coming from.

I've represented my constituents to the best of my abilities. I'm proud I have stood up for the people in District 35 and the people of South Dakota.

When some faceless cowardly person attacks me and refuses to come forward to debate the truth, you need to know about it.

This poll is negative campaigning at its worst, because I refuse to roll over, refuse to be a Yes Man, have stuck to the truth and demanded honest government.

There are now some rich people who hate me personally and are willing do whatever vulgar and gutter politics necessary to defeat me.

June 6 is the day you will decide if you still want a senator who stands up for you, a senator who is not controlled by big money.

Rapid City
Don't read it all here. (Go get a subscrpition to support this paper like I did.)

Not too many words minced, is there?

Although I might have used different terminology and a slightly softer message, I think Bill is using smart strategy. He's not giving press to the person who is going to be on the ballot - he's going after the person/people who are backing her.

Should they fight back? How can they? By fighting back against Bill's message, what the unnamed forces against him do is to verify their existence and their dabbling in a legislative district which may not be their own.

One thing those opponents should be aware of - I know from taking to several friends in elective office that if they face a lackluster opponent, often their effort is half-hearted and lacksadaisical.

But it's a different story when you give them a significant challenge. Give them an opponent who people say will beat them, and they'll get up off the couch. If you give them an opponent that irks them and drives them; an electoral effort akin to soft pot-metal will be forged into an unbreakable will of adamantine steel.

In other words, this last election, Bill might not have had to work so hard. But for June 2006, I think he's going into it girded for battle.

"Fear is a fine spur, so is rage"
- Old Irish Saying


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