Beat the Argus by several hours on this one... (I wonder where they heard?)

The Argus was reporting at 5:25 what I had for you at noon - Randy's not coming back:
Frederick, a Hayti farmer, said today his term ends in February. He won’t seek another term, and it will be up to the state party central committee to choose a new chair at that time, he said.

“When I ran for the position four years ago, I promised (Republican Gov.) Mike Rounds four years,’’ Frederick said. “I can’t promise him another four years as state party chair and it doesn’t make any sense to promise him two, to sign on for another two. And the next two years, coming up to ’08, I can probably be of more service to him outside the chairmanship rather than inside.’’

Rounds, who easily won re-election last week, has been mentioned as a possible opponent to Democrat Sen. Tim Johnson, whose term ends in 2008. Rounds has downplayed that talk, but Frederick said he intends to be available to the governor “for any purpose that he might need me for in ’08.’’
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Good riddance and farewell! Don't let the door hit you on the way out Randy. He better watch his p's and q's his confirmation hearing may be interesting.....
Anonymous said…
The Argus must be reading SDWC. I find SDWC better than any newspaper in the State.
Anonymous said…
Minnehaha Republicans don't even have an actual central committee meeting! Makes me wonder who chosing the leadership there. Sounds like a case of organized chaos to give the state party control over the legislative seats.
Anonymous said…
The word that Randy was leaving was floating around at least as early as mid-October. The second part of the equation was that he supposedly would replace Larry Gabriel as secretary of agriculture in early spring, after legislative session -- which coincides when the new GOP chairman would be selected.
Anonymous said…
He can't do any worse at Ag then he did w/the party. Rounds was a shoe in, good job there Randy. Lost 5 senate seats, had incumbants who would have held several of those seats beat in primaries, not exactly a great record. Senate Democratic majority in 2 years will be on Randy's shoulders, of course, he'll be long gone then and will skate by some of the blame, but some of us in the GOP will remember.
Anonymous said…
The Answer: Tom Dice of Mitchell for SD GOP Chairman
Anonymous said…
"I find SDWC better than any newspaper in the State."

Now that is funny.

Anonymous said…
Not only should Randy go but the rest of the Rounds campaign team but the rest of the GOP campaign team and whoever was calling the shots from the Gov's office.

Rounds was so worried about his own reelection, which is silly, that he completely blew off maintaining a 2/3 majority in the senate.

I didn't see Rounds doing any campaign events in Sioux Falls except waving at cars one day.
Anonymous said…
Spot on last commenter.

Add this to list of problems to be remedied:

Why didn't the GOP leverage its operations with the manpower and volunteer base that Sioux Falls has to offer during a campaign season.

The largest city in the state with alot of politically active people and CRs and retirees who want to work for their party were shut out by Rounds, vis a vi chairman Fredrick.

It's not only Fredrick that has to go. The Rounds political team has to get the ax. Their refusal to engage in basic grassroots organizational building is killing us out here.

You would think that Rounds must recognize that the GOP never really supported him. He only won the primary by a plurality and it was the party's refusal and the rest of the voters in the state that didn't want to let a limosuine liberal become governor.
Anonymous said…
Regardless who the next chairman or chairwoman may be, that person will need to be good with a needle and thread. The party tent is getting frayed at the edges, and the seams are splitting too.
Anonymous said…
Feedsack would make a wretched Secretary of Agriculture, especially after someone as genuine and hard-working as Larry Gabriel.

You may recall the scandal a few years ago when Sen. Brock Greenfield refused to rubberstamp Rounds' tax hike. Randy phoned a lot of folks around Clark to blackmail Greenfield into rolling over and rubberstamping Rounds' tax hike. He told the folks at Clark, who were desperate after losing their potato plant, that they could expect no help from Pierre for economic development unless they strongarmed Brock to be a rubberstamp.

So how would a blackmailer perform as Ag Secretary?

"Hey there bud, unless you fork over $1000 to the Governor's Club, you can forget that drought relief."

It's time Feedsack and his size 4XL underwear head back home to Hamlin County where he can irritate the boys at the Hayti bowling alley and leave good people alone.
Anonymous said…
So what are you saying about the boys at the Hayti bowling alley?
Brock said…
Whoa! I see that my name has been brought into this discussion. Therefore, I feel it necessary to "weigh in."

What happened a few years ago between Randy and me is a blemish on the past, but that's where it is buried. Randy and I had our differences, and over time, we put them to rest. This is not uncommon for anybody. The only difference is that unfortunately our differences became a matter for the media to feast on. It was a lesson learned for all involved. I think it's safe to say that nothing like that has happened since. Further, he has been a gentleman and treated me with respect ever since. Therefore, although I am quite stubborn, I have been able to get beyond what happened between the two of us. I would hope that we can all just agree to leave it in the past.

As for the future, I don't have any idea what awaits Randy, but I wish him and his family God's richest blessings.
Anonymous said…
Feedsack will never, never, never be able to even come close to replacing Larry G. our respected Ag. Sec. Lord help Ag if the Feedsack is the Sec. Someone wise up Gov. Rounds what a fake this guy is. State Fair will be in shambles when numb-nuts feedsack takes over.
Anonymous said…
Jon Hoadley and Jim Abdnor as Joint co chairs Joel Roesenthal in charge of GOP native american relations, Pat powers in charge of state gop website and still keeping his state employee day job. Randy Frederick in charge of Stan Adelstein who is in charge of fundraising for pro life GOP candidates! Jason Glodt in charge of the kosovo war memorial dedication. more later!
Anonymous said…
People may talk at Randy's secretary of ag confirmation hearing.
Anonymous said…
Fredrick will seek office again.

I do not think he would 'lower' himself to run for Greenfield's position, but there will be a ballot with Fredrick's name on it again.
Anonymous said…
Oh, Brock have some damn balls!

You got elected and rolled over to get your 3XL tummy rubbed by establishment.
Anonymous said…
Glodt has a secret wife in Kosovo
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:48 a

Some counties have their central committee meetings and their county meetings together.
I suggest to all instead of complaining go to the meetings and get involved and then get active.
That is what the other side is doing and I suggest the GOP do the same.
If you have questions on the By-laws get intouch with your county organization and ask about them.
Anonymous said…
Brock is a good guy at least he will listen and ask questions. I would not say that Brock rolls over.
Anonymous said…
Goldt happens to be a very hard worker. Man, you guys are unbelieveable or Dems????
Goldt worked his backside off in 04 and before for the state.
Anonymous said…
You know what, guys, gals, and PP, I really like your blog. The only thing I don't like is all this "anonymous" BS. Who in the hell are you all afraid of, anyway?

Come on out into the daylight folks.

It's a free country.

All the best.

Anonymous said…
6:39, I will agree that we are a bit cowardly. However, I for one have a job that could be compromised by identifying myself. Based on your comments here and on Blogmore, you are your own boss and the only person who can fire you is you. I know this is kind of a wimpy excuse but that's my story and I'm sticking with it. :-)
Anonymous said…
What is this stuff with the snide remarks about some people being, uh, too big for their britches, literally? I hate political correctness as much as the next guy but I think that nasty remarks about a person's girth is a bit low, not to mention childish. (I guess can you tell I too have a few pounds to lose, ha.)
Anonymous said…
At the present time I have to agree with Anon 7:13. Boy, would I love to come out in the sunshine! But it is not a choice I should make at the present time.

As Bill F. types "anon bs", maybe I should sign with a byline
by: anon-bs > does this = a "pun"?

Couldn't resist the comment.... or here is another by line "annoyance bs" how would that be???
Anonymous said…
Ok Bill Flemming, let's not talk about his size, let us talk about how integrity.
Brock said…
Rrriiiight, 4:05. We all know that I'm the darling of the establishment.
Anonymous said…
Dear Pat,

Most would expect you to have the RF item b4 the Argus and most don't see that as a legitimate scoop. Please try and take credit only where due.
Anonymous said…
7:13. Fair enough.
p.s. this is Fleming,
but you know, when in Rome....
Anonymous said…
It seems that Randy is a dog with one owner. We don't need a governor cleaning up after him in a state position. But this is old news

2008 candidates should be thankful Randy is leaving.
Anonymous said…
Randy is a great person and a great Chair! Did you forget he helped Dump Daschle? The lowlife Mainstreamers cost us some seats. I wish Randy the best in the future! Randy, one of the best indicators that you were a success is the other side does not like you.

The worthless Argus could improve if they had someone reading this blog, but they would have to put a Liberal spin on eveything. So it would still be bad.

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