Breaking News: Frederick not in SDGOP Chair Race

I've had it confirmed from at least two independent sources that State GOP Chair Randy Frederick is calling and telling people that he does not intend to seek the South Dakota GOP Chairmanship when it's up again this next February.

This opens up a huge void, as it comes as an unexpected move, and there's no one out there currently looking at it.

So let the chairman race begin.


Anonymous said…
Larry Russell for STate GOP Chair! Yeah!
Anonymous said…
Russel,,,,the same guy that couldnt control a few college republicans from submiting falsley notarized signatures ?

I'm glad Randy might be leaving, but Russel is not a step up to me.
Anonymous said…
Anon, it was a technical violation on something that was legal to do in the prior election.

And Larry enjoys a huge amount of support from the party grassroots. Much more than some old timer who wants to clip the grassroots because they want a say in how things are done.
Anonymous said…
Go for it PP
Anonymous said…
Yes PP, you'd be perfect!
Anonymous said…
I agree... PP for Chair!
Anonymous said…
rumor is that Rosenthal wants to make a comeback--is this true Joel?
Anonymous said…
I hear that monkeys are flying and they are soon to hit America
Anonymous said…
Poor feedsack. It's just that the chair doesn't fit his fat arse anymore. That's the only reason.

And PDQ, Russell's absentee ballot fraud factory resulted in criminal charges, guilty pleas, and forfeitures of notary rights. When the GOP is trying to recover from scandals from sea to shining sea, do you really want to call renewed attention to the local scandal? Russell was also in Ohio when everything went to shit there. You want the Dems to take charge, put Russell in.
Anonymous said…
Stan Adelstein for Chair...

Oops. Wrong party.
Anonymous said…
Ken Wetz for State GOP so Max can double his salary!
Anonymous said…
Fredrick wants his name back on a ballot.
Anonymous said…
Judy Olson Duhamel for GOP chair!
Anonymous said…
Feedsack step down. PP step up!

Flava Flav sez "Fight the Powers! PP needs his own reality show!"
Anonymous said…
Larry would be a great chairman. The problem is that everything said so far about Larry is true. The good and the bad.

As to the improprities, they happen every day by notaries across the state and are never prosecuted. However, when elections are at issue or involved there is rightfully so a greater amount of scrutiny applied.

Larry, either knowingly or unknowingly allowed this stuff to happen. It raises legitimate questions as to Larry's ability to lead and conduct oversight.

Larry would be a great chair but the questions of his actions raise many questions that have not been answered yet.
Anonymous said…
Epp is over mentioning Rosenthal as GOP chair over on his web site.

That's just who the Democrats want us to have, and just who Republicans don't need.

Joel represents the past. The distant past we need to leave behind. It's a top down management style that says screw the grassroots, it's about money and not ideas and Republican values.

PLEASE don't let it be Joel. He represents a past best forgotten, and not our future.

Don't forget he lost Abdnor in 1986 and Thune in 2002. (I'll have to check on Pressler to verify whether he was in charge of that one).

I repeat. We don't want Joel.
Anonymous said…
Our boy Russell certainly can lead. His problem is he gets a little to excited about his ingenious plans.

Both Russells make everyone feel like they are worth a million dollars. He would have no problem bridging any gaps.

Keep him away from College Republicans who are more than willing to take part in shady political operatons.

Really ask yourself what does Larry actually bring to the post of chairman?
Anonymous said…
3:43-Larry brings a good-looking face and a willingness to be a fighter when dealing with the media.

They are the sort of qualities I will want in a GOP chair when they deal with Pres. Hillary AND a Dem congress in 2009.
Anonymous said…
No on Russell. He never comes across as honest or with dignity. Too must negative past with him.
He only had what he had because of Thune.
Anonymous said…
I doubt that Joel would want to return as party chair.

As for 3:38's comment about Joel losing the 2002 Thune race, keep in mind that larry russell was the head of the grassroots victory organization in that race and he worked very closely with the Thune campaign led by Herb Jones.
Anonymous said…
Heck there are many GOP's that would make great chiars, both men and women. Some of them are former elected official and some are already involved in the leadership of the GOP and then we have some grassroot GOP's who would be great.
Anonymous said…
That was suppose to be "chairs", and include a "s" after official.
Dang dirty keyboard.
Anonymous said…
Larry Russell or Dana Randall !!
Anonymous said…
Enough with Larry he's been cooked.
Anonymous said…
Frederick has his eye on something else.
Randall also has his eye on something else.
One never knows what could be coming down the pike do we.
Anonymous said…
Give the chairmanship to Leslee Unruh. She needs something new to do since HB1215 went down.
Anonymous said…
Oh yes, the 2004 absentee ballot scandal. I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me. Hmm, I bet that will definetly haunt Larry Russell and all involved for a long time to come.
Anonymous said…
The only Godly choice is Allan Unruh.
Anonymous said…
I hear Elli is free these days.
Anonymous said…
Feedsack would not give up that important chair job unless he is looking at something better. Nice to see him leave, it's the best news we have had today!
Anonymous said…
feedsack is leaving to become the new Ag Sec? Now that is funny.
Anonymous said…
Get off the Larry bashing. While he might have alot of defenders his support is a mile wide and and an inch deep.

He just needs to set out for a while to make amends.

This would be great position for Schoenbeck. He could stay relevant and would do what it takes to lay the groundwork for 2010, which would be good for him and the rest of the party.
Anonymous said…
9:20 - Or should I say, "Lee,"

I'm sure you'd LOVE to be GOP Chair. But you can't have a chairman whose primary interest is self promotion - it has to be a person who puts the party first. Having a potential candidate for governor would be a disaster.

BTW, where did the news come from that Randy is the new Ag Secretary?
Anonymous said…
Haven't you heard about Lee's newest problem ?
Watertown Public Opinion Headline Yesterday .... " Schoenbeck accused of kissing lawmaker's wife."
Get the fork..... he's done!
Anonymous said…
Larry Russell has the backing of so many grassroots supporters/workers in this state!!
The same supporters/workers that made John Thune our US Senator.
Larry is a great choice to be the GOP Chairman!! LONG LIVE LCR
Anonymous said…
Harvey Krautschunn would be a great choice for Chairman. I don't know if he has the time or will any longer, but he would be the perfect individual at the perfect time.
Anonymous said…
Russell is one of those to far to the right for some R's.
I am not sure he would be a fav for the general voter.
Can come off cold.
Anonymous said…
agree with 11:32 on Harvey, he would do a good job.
Anonymous said…
Lee's newest problem? The woman is now 72 years old, not really a young chick. Do you know her? I actually thought she was older.

Also, I've heard that the McLaughlins are good friends of Sutton.

Don't forget, it wasn't Lee that brought the accusations against Dan, but a hard-core democrat by the name of Dennis Wiese.
Anonymous said…
So is there some way somebody can give us more of the Watertown newspaper article? You gotta PAY to get access to an article that is two days old. Ridiculous. There was enough of the article to show that it was Ed McLaughlin's wife. Great. She is an annoying troublemaker and I have to wonder about this. But I am still curious about the article.
Anonymous said…
Harvey is the busiest working man you'll ever meet. I'm not sure, but I think he sent a clone of himself to Pierre.

There's a ton of politicos in SD that would love to be chairman and do a good job.

Really it should be called the "East River State Republican Party". God knows the state party has never done anything for West River.
Anonymous said…
6:52 mercer wrote about it two days ago. Lee's an arogant arse who believe his shi* don't stink. Problem is it does and people are figuring that out.

The only person worse than Lee for the positions (other than Randy Frederick) and who would be even more of a self promoter is Joel Dykstra.
Anonymous said…
Response to 6:52 AM -- the article was in the Pierre Capitol Journal's Wednesday edition as well as the other papers that carry Mercer's columns. Brought up some interesting questions about Schoenbeck's character. Whether the woman involved was old and whether the McLaughlins are friends with some Democrats is irrelevant. I was surprised that Pat didn't mention it on his blog. PP... what's up with that?
Anonymous said…
"I was surprised that Pat didn't mention it on his blog. PP... what's up with that?"

Do you really need to ask?
Anonymous said…
I have checked some papers on-line that carry Mercer's stuff but I cannot find it. However, she is an overbearing pain in the neck and we all know where this is coming from. P.S. I have never met Schonbeck but I have been at the receiving end of Ms. Strom's incessant carping.
Anonymous said…
9:20 -

Just what is the best interest for the state party?

This cycle Republican voters voted against tax relief, for tax increase, for Pelosi, against innocent life, narrowly defeating pot, narrowly winning marriage protection and in the hottest race elected to office the most liberal Democrat paid for by a wealthy RINO. This and more under the lack of leadership of Randy.

I pick Glodt or Randall.
Anonymous said…
I have a vote at convention and I think I would support Glodt too, but,

I need a thorough explanation from him about his inability to convince Rounds and Fredrick that the grassroots machine should have been built this year instead of waiting another election cycle.

If Glodt is such a good choice for party chair why was he unable to convince Rounds et. al. that we needed a better way to run campaigns that we used this last election cycle.

Frankly anybody associated witth the Rounds clan and his team should be wiped away from the politisphere this next time around.
Anonymous said…
Interesting that Ed McLaughlin's wife is suddenly standing up for virtue and decency when she said nothing as he was viciously attacking and retaliating against City Employees in the 1990's when he was Rapid City Mayor.
Anonymous said…
Bill Janklow for party chair
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:29 am:
A vote at convention????
I don't know what vote or what convention you are going to but if you are talking about the new state party chair election that is NOT done at convention it is done in Feb at the State Central Committee meeting!
Yep, you have a vote if you happen to be elected to represent your county that is.
Contact the state party office or your current county chair for information about the By-laws.
If for some reason I have misunderstood you I am sorry, but it doesn't seem that I have.
Anonymous said…
Janklow would get the party in line for sure! But do you think it would really fly....
Anonymous said…
isnt russel,,looser backwards ???
Anonymous said…
After some of the Cra* I found out I just could not throw support to Russell never.
Really his name backwards is lessur seperate it out it is less-u-r. OUCH
Sorry, I should not pick on him.
Anonymous said…
We don't need a convicted felon to be the head of the public safety party.

We don't need a guy who went to DC and said that he voted for Daschle to be the head of our party.

We most certainly don't a guy who refused to lift a finger for Pressler to be the head of our party.

And we most definitely do not need a guy who has Rosenthal sucking his hind teet to be anywhere near the party.

Republicans in this state win because of multiple interests and Janklow would crush an important element of Republican victories in the past few years, that is the christian conservative vote. He drive them out and we would lose a valuable voting block that help bring John Thune and others into office.

Stop picking on Glodster. He's great but he's not ready for this job yet.

And amen to the get rid of Rounds clan. Those folks have driven the party into the ground.

Randy: why wasn't their a victory party or at least something similiar to it in Sioux Falls or Rapid this year? You failed to leverage the party machine against your two largest and most politically active cities in the state.

Phone banks, walkers, doorknockers, you name it all at your dispoal and you pissed it down your leg. The Rounds political team and the folks operating around it need to go!
Anonymous said…
Hey Randy:

why did Satgast and Nelson get 8k a piece and Latrell and Earley only got 250?

Dick Kelley got 40k and still lost. Maybe because you should have a ground game, instead you tried to win local neighborhood race primarily through the media.

I could have found 40 doorknockers for 2 weeks for 1 or 2k.

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