Chicago Sun Times: Hildebrand on Obama's Payroll for the campaign
Lynn Sweet of the Sun-Times blog is reporting that Steve Hildebrand is on deck with Barack Obama as had been speculated earlier:
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) used campaign donations generated by PACs and lobbyists to bankroll the birth of his White House bid -- though he's banning that money for his presidential 2008 race.
Obama's conversion to a laudable higher standard does not negate that money from sources he now disdains helped paved the way for his kickoff in Springfield on Saturday.
Obama has been raising campaign cash for two political pots -- Obama 2010 Inc., his Senate re-election committee, and the Hopefund, another war chest. Obama, until his recent conversion on the eve of his presidential run, took more than $1 million from political action committees.
An examination of disbursements from the two funds reveals how Obama was able to use legal loopholes commonly used by other presidential contenders to pay for White House testing-of-the-water expenses:
• • $3,214.95 on Dec. 20 to the political consulting firm of Hildebrand Tewes. Steve Hildebrand starting helping Obama last year in Iowa, the state with the crucial leadoff presidential vote. Paul Tewes is now Obama's Iowa campaign manager and Hildebrand will be an important adviser.
Maybe we should just call it what it is. But the South Dakota "media" will cover this up because they love Hildebrand so they won't say anything negative!
In keeping with liberal expectations it is not fair to expose his failure to meet expectations. That will crush his self-esteem.
Electing Thune was what South Dakotans meant by lowering the bar.
Where is the clout when you need it?
As for Obama, great candidates don't need great staff, they use the skills of mediocre, great and good staff alike. In other words, the candidate recongnizes the talents of each individual and brings a team together.
I, for one, think Hildebrand, Rousse, and other people with South Dakota ties make great staff people---regardless of party.
Besides, Obama is moderate on many issues and will bring his own views to bear. It looks like he will do it with candor as well.