Change is nearly upon us....

If you haven't caught it yet, there was a new type of filing made with the Secretary of State's office recently. The brand spanking new Statement of Organization seems to have been filed first by the Second Century PAC which has a bit more information than the old one did.

As we approach July 1, you should see a flurry of these types of forms being filed. Especially since there's a $50 a day fine for not getting them in.

If you're involved in politics, you owe it to yourself and your campaign interests to intensely review the new campaign finance reporting guidelines.

What new forms are out there? If you're too lazy to click over to the Secretary of State's website, here's some it below:

The chapter of South Dakota Codified Laws governing campaign finance reporting is SDCL 12-27

New campaign finance chapter will be posted on 7-1-07.

2008 Campaign Finance Reporting Guidelines Book (Printable PDF Version)
Campaign Finance Disclosure Reporting Schedule
Summary for Individuals
Introduction and Legal Basis
Treasurer Duties
Contribution Limitations
Financial Disclosure Statements
Advertising Disclaimer and Disclosure Requirements
Government Prohibitions
Application of Law to Local Government Elections
Filing Options
Judicial Candidate Campaign Finance Policy
Reporting Software
Quick Reference Guide
APPENDIX A - Statement of Organization
APPENDIX B - Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement
APPENDIX B - Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement Instructions
APPENDIX C - Supplemental Statement
APPENDIX D - Communication Statement
APPENDIX E - Ballot Question Contribution Statement
APPENDIX F - Statement of Financial Interest Form & Instructions
APPENDIX G - SDCL 12-27 Definitions
Updated Elected Official Statement of Financial Interest Form

If you do one thing before July 1, this should be it. Not only are the limits entirely different:
Statewide Candidate Campaign Committee: $4,000
Legislative or County Candidate Campaign Committee: $1,000
Political Party: $10,000
Political Action Committee: $10,000
Ballot Question Committee: no limitation
But so are the laws, and those are going to be what get people into trouble. Especially the fact that "Reports are due in the filing office by 5:00pm on the deadline day - NOT postmarked on the deadline day." I sense there will be a flurry of $50 fines handed out on that technicality.

Go read it now. It might be the most important thing you do today.


Anonymous said…
Hey Pat, do you have any idea what's going on with the Roger Hunt lawsuit? Didn't the judge say, over a month ago, that she would have a decision in a few weeks? Did I miss it?
Anonymous said…
And what about Lee Schoenbeck? His energy and fantastic public speaking would straighten this mess out!
PP said…
I haven't seen it myself. Must still be in the works.

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