Things are going well.....

If you want to see what I'm working on as things have been fairly silent tonight, go check out my work in progress here.

(importing over 23,000 comments is proving a bit time consuming...)


Anonymous said…
looks real nice! good job PP.

Why aren't you at the Gov's Golf event? We need coverage man!
Anonymous said…
It's light years better, PP, Good job, bra.
Bob Ellis said…
Excellent upgrade! Looks very classy!
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure I see much difference but then I'm adverse to change anyway which is why I ALWAYS vote the incumbent regardless of party.

Hey, anon 10:00pm, good to see you again.
Anonymous said…
Can you take the blue divider lines out from the scrolling photo marquee?
Anonymous said…
May just be my display settings at home (800x600) but my screen matches the borders on this (old) site but I have to scroll left to right to view all of the new site. It does look much nicer overall, though =|;)
Anonymous said…
I don't like it. It looks too much like some of the other, harder to read, blogs. Everything runs together. I like the current format where the headings are bolder. And like the other guy said, it doesn't all fit on my screen. Change is not neccesarily good,
Anonymous said…
I'm with the commenter who likes the bolder headlines on the "old" blog. I would rather have someting that is easy to read than something that is flashy. (You know, substance over style). Also, I still cannot understand why you give such prominence to other blogs, especially ones that don't link to yours, and ones that wouldn't be caught dead about saying anything positive about our points of view. But hey, it's your blog.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, the bigger headlise are better. The way you have it right now gives priority to the blog links at the left. Is that really what you want? I'd say take all the point sizes down on the left and bring them all up a little in the center "blog" section. It also looks like the end of easy anonymous posting. Are valid email addys going to be required?

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