WOW. 5 more days left in the month, and I'm already past my monthly visit record

No complaints here. With all the political happenings, my visitors and hits have gone through the roof.


Anonymous said…
SDWC is considered the best blog in the state, most informative and tops on my list. Great work, PP your Blog is special!
Anonymous said…
I think it's Looby comments that have gotten you where you are.
Seriously, It's the best site in S.D.
Anonymous said…
I think your monthly visits have been increased by having Randy "Feedsack" check in 5 or 6 times a day. Gotta find out what's going on.
Anonymous said…
Best Blog in the Biz PP! And Randy, since you are probably reading this, careful what you say to PP, the mans got clout.

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