I don't think Dennis Wiese was going for subtlety on this one

The KELO Land website post tonight was entitled "Dennis Wiese Says Sutton Lied," so I didn't expect him to mince any words regarding the hearings this week. But in reading the article, the father of the boy making the allegations against Senator Sutton, Dennis Wiese, seems conciliatory:
He doesn't call it a regret. But Dennis Wiese says if he could go back, he might take a different approach in dealing with Sutton after learning Sutton might have groped his son.

"I've pursued a strategy of forgiveness early on. And maybe it was the wrong thing to do. It certainly was when I watched (lawyers Patrick) Duffy, (Mike) Butler, and Sutton use that and a number of other things to twist the truth, to benefit their client," Wiese says.

Wiese reported the incident to Attorney General Larry Long two nights after the alleged groping, but still appeared cordial with him in public.


"I asked for his vote, I'll admit to that. I don't think there's a sin in that. But I also think it was always an effort to say, Dan, it's not about Julie, it's not about Dennis, it's not about the other kids, it's about about Austin and you. Can you find a way?" Wiese says.

A way to apologize. Wiese says for several months that's what his family has wanted.

"What we've tried to do is make Dan Sutton say, 'I'm sorry. I want to get help.'" Wiese says.
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
If Denis was so concerned for his small child why didnt he show up and be a back bone maybe he should have show a little support instead of coming up with another story. If Austin can sit and say he didn't know what a hooka was and what it is for as a picture of him self is displayed,then maybe he didn't inhale either,to me he is tring to insult the intelligants of our elected officals if he can lie under oath then he could lie anytime I hope our law makers take a good look as to what one lie can do to ANYONES CARREER this is a good example
Anonymous said…
Dennis wasn't allowed to watch because he was sequestered in case he's called to testify. More kids on college campuses smoke tobacco out of hookahs than weed. Those lawyers had no idea what they were talking about.
Anonymous said…

I never knew Ridgefield was actually called "Dennis Wiese Land". Think about it. Ridgefield had a full board of directors, CEO, and full staff. Don't throw this all on DW just because you can't be happy.


"didn't know what a hookah was..." hello?? AW told all about it. He knew exactly what it was for, but wasn't using it for that purpose.

You people are crossing the line when it comes to things to say. If you you can't say anything truthful, then don't pick people out and jab them with a stick.

Tell me about each of your 'perfect' lives, then we'll have something to jab at.
Anonymous said…
Sorry to see that the Sutton team is back again tonight attacking the Wiese family. It took only one new post for a fresh start of attacks.

Look, everyone in Pierre knows that Heideprim and Olson put their arms around Sutton's shoulder during the hearings and said they were going to help him survive the reported "other incidents" of inappropriate sexual contact. They said just follow our lead.

The big dogs need to literally learn to shut the door when they as "judge and jury" put thier arms around the defendant as they serve on ethics committees.

You Sutton folks lobbied members of the Senate and even attended our Democrat Caucus with your relatives and a few friends.

You had your day so now lay down and let the political process work.

What the heck, they aren't even condemning Sutton for what most people beleive he did. They are simply going to tell him not to put himself or others in the legislature in that position again by staying with a page. No mention of the page and any harm done to him.

Be thankful and shut up before it gets worse.

Or as someone once said, when your digging yourself into a hole, stop digging. Your lawyers did by not calling any more witnesses.
Anonymous said…
9:28 PM is libelous and should be removed.

Dennis Wiese and Dan Sutton worked together on Ridgefield in an effort to minimize losses and make the business work. They did that even though Sutton and Wiese had some issues between them.

You need to remove that one for sure.
Anonymous said…
These Dems are something to watch.
PP said…
Guys - Please keep it to opinion or accepted fact, or I'm going to have to require registration for posting comments - meaning the anonymous comments will go away.
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't say the whole thing was too conciliatory.

It appears that up until Wiese informed Schoenbeck he tried hard to protect the reputation of the Sutton family and the relationships between the families.

It appears to me he was wrong to do that. Not so much as a human being placed here by God but rather as allowing himself to become a potential part of Sutton's conspiracy.

I can only assume he thought it would never get this far. Rumor has it that he contacted Sutton in March and thought he could get him to confess.

He obviously didn't understand the behavior of these kinds of people.

On one hand Wiese was an idiot for trying and on the other hand, I can admire him as an older and wiser person about personal problems.
Anonymous said…

I for one would welcome mandatory registration.
Publisher said…
So would I! Free speech is just fine with me, but some of these chickens take it too far!
Anonymous said…
The problem is mostly contained to a few Sutton apologists
Anonymous said…
As far as the hookah deal goes, there are hookah bars all over the country. I've been to a couple in DC. They have probably 100 different flavors of tobacco (cherry, peach, etc.) that you use. Do you people even know what a hookah looks like? If not, I don't think it's your place to even talk about one and presume that Austin smoked "weed" from one. I don't even know what I believe on this case anymore, but when people try to act like they "know" something, it's a little rediculous.

A lot of our grandpas smoked tobacco in a pipe. How do we KNOW that was always tobacco? Get the point?
Anonymous said…
Keep convincing yourself parents that your little boys and girls do no wrong. Besides who would send your child even if he is 18 to Pierre without money. Now I bet that is one of the main reasons Mr. Weise gave his permission for AW to stay with Sutton. Maybe even that the B&B the two girls stayed at has no pool, hot tub, or work out area. Then another Sutton free lunch for AW like many times in the past and taxi service. Nothing to good for AW or Mr. Weise when someone else is picking up the TAB, Think about it !! No more Farmers Union or Ridgefeild.
Anonymous said…

You know, even a former president has succeeded after his failures in moral character. But he asked for foregiveness and finally confessed that he did not tell the truth.

While Sutton's actions are repulsive to all, he does have a chance to come clean with the people of the state and his victims. He can always seek the help and foregiveness he needs but until then he will be viewed with didsdain.

Only after some honesty and less venom will he have a chance for building a better life for himself. Not by way of he and his cronies blaming victims.
Anonymous said…
It seems dennis wiese prefers not to be questioned under oath, but to talk to KELO. What courage.
Anonymous said…
Wasn't Sutton on the Board of Directors of Ridgefield Farms at the time that he was also heading up the Flandreau Development Corp?

And if this was indeed the case, wasn't it a glaring conflict of interest for him to be working to get a deal between RF and the city of Flandreau, via FDC, to bring this venture to Flandreau?
Anonymous said…
8:30: Seriously.

On the 5 pm news last night, DW told ther reporter that he confronted Sutton about what happened, and went into detail about DS's response.

As someone who thinks Sutton is guilty, my first thought was: Why in h*** wouldn't he testify to that? Why is he telling this to Lou fricking Raguse after the Senate hearings are over?
Anonymous said…

It's my understanding that he was there to testify but was never called, like a number of other witnesses.
Anonymous said…
If mcmahon thought wiese would have helped, don't you think he would have had him testify. duh!
Anonymous said…
dennis isn't helping the cause by whining to KELO. Why didn't he demand to be heard on his strategy of foregiveness when the committee was taking testimony?
Anonymous said…
This is all small piddly stuff, compared to the eternal truth facing that both parties have to face.

The controversy can go back and forth, but someone is lying, if not a bit on both sides. Those truths are known by one eternal force.
Anonymous said…
There was "no blue dress" not one shred of evidence. Did the Senate investigation committee think they would turn up with evidence? The DCI didn't press charges, because there was no evidence. It was, and still is, one word against the other. It does not matter, what opinion I formed, or the opinions formed by the other posters. It boils down to the fact nothing was proven.

The only thing the Senate should have investigated is why Sutton didn't report that he was under investigation. And, since there was no rule, he didn't have to. In their new set of rules the rules will be written down.

Surely, we cannot turn an elected official out of office on innuendo and rumor? If so, democracy is in very serious trouble.

I seriously question the chairman suggesting that Sutton be removed. If he were in my district, I care not what party I belong to, I would not vote for him. He is voting against democracy by removing someone on unproven facts and should be removed himself.
Anonymous said…
I thought Dennis Wiese on Kelo was distasteful on his part and the timing sickening...couldn't he have waited until after the Senate votes tomorrow. I think this is a sick game to that guy!! He also said he only asked for Sutton's vote. I thought I heard he actually asked for his endorsement publicly. Am I mistaken?? and if he did ask for Dan's endorsement, why is he lying about it now? Seems kind of odd to me I guess but I don't know much!!
Anonymous said…
another sutton family friend....bashing away
Anonymous said…
It seems to me that DW and AW seem to have learned the same game to bad it wasn't to play well with ohters I agree they haven't filed any formal charges against Sutton and maybe be cause there realy isn't a reason to.I thought we were all innocent until proven guilty I guess not in this case .Sutton is being punished for something he didn't do. I hope he does pursue damages against the wiese family just to make a statement to any one else who would try something sick like this!!!
Anonymous said…
Exonerate Sutton! This proceeding was a joke. No evidence...no expulsion. That's my take on the situation.
Anonymous said…
I bet tomorrow will be one hell of a circus. I wonder what will happen. My best guess is censurship, however, Senator Sutton doesnt really need that many votes for exoneration, so that is possible to I suppose. It will be interesting. I think this whole mess has set one hell of a precedent. I wonder which legislators are crapping their pants because of the skeletons in their closet. My best guess is quite a few. Should be interesting. I would also venture that there is more evidence on some of those legislators than their was on Sutton. It could be a dog eat dog atmosphere and provide one heck of a show. Too bad most people have to work and wont be able to watch it.
Anonymous said…
OK....first off Bulter and Duffy know that dan sutton is GUILTY...why? Well for the simple fact that they can not come up with a factual defense against AW....These "so called lawyers" try to discredit AW's name by bringing in facebook....A college network where people can talk to other people....FOR one, most of the info posted on students profile is a JOKE....CLEARLY a joke. You cant sit there and discredit a person for some random website....I would love to see duffys childrens profile, i bet they would be similar....The picture butler passed around was of A hookah, he obviously doesnt know what they heck it is, just assumes it is for weed...When actually it is for tobacco...it contains water a LITTLE bit of tobacco(not even close to as much as in a cigarette) molases, and fruit flavoring....

dan sutton, which i dont call him senator because NO one should for he should be shown NO respect for, lieing to all the people that were in the court room and watching it like i was from my office... Dan sutton knows he did something wrong, maybe or maybe not doing something with AW but he slept with him, and he needs to be pentalized...
Anonymous said…
what exactly is pentalized?

Just wondering. Perhaps it is a word that Austin Wiese made up. Wouldn's suprise me because it appears as though he makes a lot of stuff up.
Anonymous said…
Senator + bed + page = expulsion!
Anonymous said…
You know Duffy said a mouthful when he said there is not a court anywhere that would have allowed the crazyness to happen that happened here and i bet if Austin or his no show dad would face consiquences for false reports and probly purgery, or maybe Larry Long or Schoenbeck could try to bail them out once again I think Sutton made a good case and it sounds like the Wiese story kind of fell apart. I just find it silly how some one who is so quick to make up so many thing about a good kind person as Sutton and not be one of the main wittnesses must have a pretty selfish to send the kids in so he don't have to face the rath if he was to purger himself. kinda crazy don't you think!!!
Anonymous said…
dennis wiese's PR blitz to explain himself says it all. He did not have the guts to testify, but now he runs to the media to tell his story and go on about other victims. maybe sutton will file suit against him so he finally will have to testify. put up or shut up dennis, or just go home.
Anonymous said…
This isn't about Dennis Wiese and his actions. It's about Sutton and his actions, which were abhorent and warrant expulsion.
Anonymous said…
Dennis was supposed to testify, but he was never called. It wasn't his choice - get your information straight!!!
Anonymous said…
10:10 and 11:05 are right. Put the blame where it belongs for this whole fiasco: with Senator Sutton.
Anonymous said…
What do you mean the man who knows not to report things to the proper people. how many people in this situation would report to the att. general and waste his time with some thing that should have been taken care of some were else and let him deal wiyh more important things.Ifit smells like fish its usally a fish!!!
Anonymous said…
stevey wonder:


Your opinion is appreciated but some punctuation would really help us to understand what you are trying to say.
Anonymous said…
No Evidence + Shaky Story = Censorship

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