Separated at birth?

From today's print edition of "The Hill"


Anonymous said…
Wow - politics aside, that's uncanny.
Big Shot Bob said…
Very Bad Taste!! Really.....Pretty Sad on Your Part!!
Anonymous said…
Stephi, love child of Hanoi Jane! Luv it!
Anonymous said…
what? they're both female?

No comparison. Steph rocks.

(...and what a crappy picture of her. Tsk.)
Anonymous said…
big shot quit being a baby. You have to admit they look alike.
Anonymous said…
What about Chris Nelson
Anonymous said…
First of all, that is very low. Second of all the picture being compared is an old picture of Herseth. Everyone knows she had a a makeover last year.
Anonymous said…
How is this relevant to anything? Is there some broader political point I'm missing?
Anonymous said…
ya they are both Lib Dems!!!
Anonymous said…
They both oppose sending
our soldiers to fight and die
in a unjust wars
Anonymous said…
I would be willing to bet that Stephanie would not betray the POw soldiers themselves as did good ole Hanoi Jane.
Anonymous said…
Hanoi Jane was much hotter in "Barbarella" Stephanie should give the furry bikini-Barbarella look a try
Anonymous said…
Good for you, Nonnie.

You're getting less offensive
all the time.

Steph knows what time it is.

Some of that is due to technology.

The rest is due to avocation.

What do you do, by the way?
Anonymous said…

Too bad that Iraq is a just war. You know...stopping evil terrorists from blowing up innocent children and all. Seems just to me.

Unfortunately, Hanoi Jane had to sit on a piece of military equipment that was used to shoot down American pilots.

They are both liberals who detest the use of American power to save innocent people from evil people.
Anonymous said…
Don't pick on PP, he didn't put it in the paper, he's just reporting the news.
Anonymous said…
7:52 Facist pig.

Anonymous said…

Please delete the post by anon 7:52 PM. There is no need that kind of ugly unintelligent name calling.

Anonymous said…
Me pissed off. You kick me off of other post, so me piss on your anti-Stephanie blog. Mo Mo Men love Danno and Frank Frank and we love PP, but you disappoint us. We try to communicate on other blog to let Danno and Frank Frank to let them know know we think they have real purty mouth.
Anonymous said…
I am a bit disappointed about all these hootin' and a hollerin' posts about the photos of Herseth/Fonda.

Great way to make this blog look classy, guys.
Anonymous said…
Since PP disable the last about a hypothetical senator having "relations" with a young, very young, state employee who regreted the drunked escapade only to deal with the stalking of the senator for months afterwards. Is that grounds for expulsion? Certainly Censure if this all hypothetically happened during session?
Publisher said…
There is a slight resemblance, but Jane is old enough to be Steph's mother in law! Hardly separated at birth!
Big Shot Bob said…
This stuff is sorry to say the least. Typical South Dakotan.....You chased Daschle, McGovern, young people with college degrees, and now more of the same. Why are you not proud of your representatives and help your state.

Christ......... quit complaining about everything?
Anonymous said…
They are both female. That is the only similarity I see in the two pictures.
Anonymous said…
Separated at birth: Randy Frederick (AKA Feedsack) and Porky (famous namesake of Porky's movies)
Anonymous said…
PP, Please delete 7:52 and 10:38.

How would it be if every post was filled with vile epithets about Republicans?
PP said…
guys, you know nothing about whether they are promiscuous or not. Hence, the comments are gone.
Anonymous said…
Both rode on the coat tails of men with names.

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