Aargh! Petitions being filed too fast to keep track!

My prior post was meant to be a quick little wink at the petitions being filed lately. Just an off the top of my head topic. I should have known better. First, my wife starts in with the Labor Day school starting date. Then Charlie House was kind enough to point out that the tobacco people have filed language as well to enable a petition drive.

Enough. I promise to prepare my lesson plans a little better from now on. As such, straight from from the Secretary of State's somewhat plain, but supremely utilitarian website,

The 2006 Ballot Measures:
Questions that will appear on the 2006 election ballot

Constitutional Amendment C - Relating to the definition of marriage. View full text of HJR 1001.

Measures Circulating for 2006:

Initiated Constitutional Amendment to establish a procedure for each class of property detailing the methods that shall be used to value property. View full text of petition.

Initiated Constitutional Amendment to impose a corporate income tax and create in the state treasury a fund named the people's tax relief fund. View full text of petition.

Initiated Measure to provide safe access to medical marijuana for certain qualified persons. View full text of petition.

Initiated Measure to revise certain provisions related to county zoning and conditional use requests. View full text of petition.

Initiated Measure to increase the tax on cigarettes and tobacco products, to dedicate the revenue for tobacco prevention and cessation programs, property tax reduction, education enhancement, and health care, and to make an annual appropriation therefore. View full text of petition.

Initiated Constitutional Amendment to add a new section titled Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.). View full text of petition.

Initiative Measure to change the school start date. View full text of petition.

Measures which have received LRC Comments but are not yet circulating:

Initiated Measure to increase the tax on alcoholic beverages and to revise the distribution of revenue.

Initiated Constitutional Amendment - Proposing a defense of marriage convention call to amend the United States Constitution.

Yeah, I missed a bunch. But you know, I'll bet they aren't anywhere close to being done yet. I don't see JoDean's measure noted yet. So, it appears we're at over ten measures and counting.

Oh - watch for that last one "Proposing a defense of marriage convention call to amend the United States Constitution" to cause a firestorm of letters to the editor on why we're all going to hell if we propose a call for a constitutional convention. The defense of marriage measure is quite conservative, but it's the very conservative who will have a fit, because they believe a constitutional convention may amend the constitution too much.

Anyway, The unique effect from so many measures? In a crowded field, such as when you get this many measures, people tell their friends that say the safe thing to do is to just vote NO.


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