Next Session's Legislation on Eminent Domain.

The eminent domain issue recently brought to a head by the US Supreme Court is already on the plate for the next South Dakota legislative session, and the first at the table are Representative Larry Rhoden, and Senator Jim Lintz.

Senator Lintz is from the Southwest Hills area, an area known for it's fiercely independent brand of republicanism. Jim can be quite outspoken on GFP issues - especially when it comes to them buying land in his district.

This last election, Jim had a challenger for vacancy left in the State Senate by Drue Vitter, by the name of Don Young. Don was a school board member down in that neck of the woods who felt up to the challenge of taking on a state legislator.

Well, Don did have the money to do it. Check out Don's Campaign Finance report, courtesy of the Secretary of State's website. Under political action committees, please note that little donation of $6,906 from 21st Century SD PAC.

Does that PAC sound familiar? It should. It's one of the personal Political Action Committees of Stan Adelstein who made a move to fund a significant number of primary races last June. And he placed a bet of nearly $7000 on Don over Jim. And Stan lost badly. Lintz 64% - Young 36%.

If it was one of my fellow Senators-to-be from my party who almost completely funded my primary opponent, I think I'd be a little miffed. I might think that my fellow senator didn't like me.

But then look what's happened recently. Senator Adelstein and Lintz working directly together in an effort to revitalize the movie industry in western South Dakota.

So, as some of you might notice our little intra-party fights, which, I enjoy chronicling as an observer, keep in mind that on occasion we republicans know how to pull together for a common good.


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