Additions and labeling

Dakota Voice Weblog is being added to the navigation bar on the right, although you might find their website more interesting.

Yes, they know how to drop R-Bomb's, but I'm not excluding someone because I don't like what they say or that they label people RINO's. I didn't agree with my brother-in-law and just spent a late evening arguing with him on politics. He rejects both Republicans and Democrats, because he dislikes the labeling.

Although, when my sister came to town to visit her father DP, her nieces, and nephew last year, Jmac's honda civic hatchback was mysteriously labeled with a "Dump Daschle" sticker for several days until it was noticed. heh.

ANYWAY, don't automatically dismiss Dakota Voice Weblog because of some of it's religious overtones. They appear to be hooked in with people in the know. I noted that Mary Truckenmiller writes an article on the website. This appears to the the same Mary Truckenmiller who heads up the Minnehaha Republican Women. Politics and issues with a definite religious slant. It looks to be an interesting read.


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