
On June 26th 1975, Special Agents Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams of the FBI were killed in the line of duty while attempting to serve arrest warrants for robbery and assault with a dangerous weapon on the Oglala Sioux Indian Reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

For all the commemeration of the event, you are hearing a lot more about the person convicted for killing them, then the men themselves. I think that truly dishonors their memory. They were husbands and fathers who left loved ones behind. And it was because they were doing their job.

I feel pretty strongly about this, because as I may have mentioned in a previous post, my dad is a retired agent who just as easily could have been in their place.

It's not a glamorous job. In fact, I think it's kind of thankless, crappy work. There were many weekends where my dad would get home at 2 in the afternoon and go to bed after spending all evening and morning on the reservation attending to the corpse of a victim of violence, or someone who had the bad luck of being involved in a fatal accident. This is not the kind of work that people aspire to. But it must be done.

Take a moment to read about the case for yourself
, and take a moment to thank god that there's people out there who are willing to lay down their lives to uphold the law. They don't take a position on whether a law is good or bad. But it's their job to enforce it.

So please remember the agents. Not the man convicted of murdering them.


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