The New Blue Books are Here/Party Platforms

I suppose I could be like everyone else and talk about the BRAC meeting in Rapid City, but I need to sit down and talk about it's relation to upcoming campaigns. I traveled to Brookings today to try to find a house, so I haven't had time to digest it all yet.

I just got home, and opened up this draft of a post that I started a day or so ago, so I'll finish it and go to bed..

Secretary of State Chris Nelson announced a couple days ago that the new Blue Books are out, and are available on-line for the first time. The Blue Books are actually pretty good, as they provide historical information for ancient general election races that you aren't going to find in print anywhere else. They also provide background information on your elected officials. Read up on this stuff, as it will come in handy sometime.

It also provides the state party platforms... (downloadable in PDF from the S.O.S.)

Constitutional Party, Libertarian Party, Democratic Party, and my favorite, the Republican Party. I'd invite you to please read the party platforms, and pay very close attention.

Okay, now you can ignore them and run for office on your own beliefs, just like the rest of us.

Platforms are a nice statement of belief, but I've never seen one candidate in all my days stand up and say "My party platform stands for this..". Most often, I've seen candidates disagree with their own party over them, or their opponents use the content to say, I believe "X", but my opponent's party is the party of "Y."

So there's really not much to say for them, except they exist as a policy statement, more often than not, unread. And the Libertarian party platform uses the word "Dude" in it much less than I would have thought.


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