Thanks for the Props!

Hey! More props for me. Holabird Advocate was kind enough to make a mention of the War College. And just for the record "P.P." are my initials. Do you think I could make that up?

And yes, as a third grader I took a little sh*t for it.

Who all has made mention on their websites? SD Blog Watch was first, quickly followed by Todd Epp over at SD Watch, and South Dakota Politics also made a nice mention.

I also had a note from Charley House who had read one of my posts.

My only question remaining would be "what does it take to get listed on 123?" I've set up my RSS feed at and put the little bug on the bottom of my page. We'll see if I get anywhere.

** Update ** Leave it to the wife to bring me back to earth. I commented to her that I was pleased with the attention that my weblog was starting to get. She turns to me and says "What, so there's ten people talking amongst themselves now?"

Ouch. And on Father's Day.


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