10 Questions with..... State Auditor Rich Sattgast

NOTE: This feature is mainly to probe the news makers and other political folks, and maybe get to the human side of politicians. I think it works.

I've known our State Auditor, the Honorable Richard Sattgast since we were legislative interns together way back in 1988. If you ever are in his office, you'll notice the ratty goose mount I pawned off.... Er, gave him as a gift after his successful run for the office.

We had lost track of each other for a while after college, but we happened to run into each other upon Rich's return to the Black Hills fresh after serving in Desert Storm. I was in Rapid City working for the party and Rich had volunteered to work at our fair booth.

You'll find for current statewide officeholders, Rich is about the only one out there who spent any time in the military, having served as part of the occupation force in Berlin shortly out of High School in the 1980's, and went active duty again in the 1990's to serve in Kuwait & Iraq. Rich also served with the SDNG for a time.

Besides, who else but a close friend could I talk into being the first to dive off the cliff and help me pump up my weblog with a cool feature like this. Anyway:

10 Questions with State Auditor Rich Sattgast:

1. What's the most important quality for a politician to have?

The ability to have thick skin and to stick to what they believe is right. Politicians are subjected to negative feedback regularly and it is important for a politician to overcome the negativity and look at it as a possible learning point.

There will always be those in the in-crowd or the "it" crowd, but it is the true leader who can overcome the popularity contest of the elite within their own party.

2. Which politician do you admire the most (past or present)?

I have always admired Ronald Reagan, and not for the reasons that many do. I admire him for his tenacity and unwillingness to give up his fight.

In addition, his stance of Peace Through Strength is more than just a call to defeat the Soviet threat, it is a standard that can be carried throughout life. Do not let yourself become vulnerable to bullies because you have not kept yourself up.

3. What's the stupidest question you've ever been asked by the mainstream media?

Do you think you can win?

4. Who are our next two governors going to be?

Not a current or recent former legislator.

5. What's your next race after you're done with your current office (or is there one?)

State Treasurer (in 2010)
you heard it here first - MEDIA, Please credit the SD War College

6. Who is the most underrated South Dakota politician and why?

I was going to think of a way to make Frank Kloucek not so underrated, but couldn't.

7. What's the next issue we'll see on the ballot as an initiated measure?

Making the T-Rex the state dead animal.

8. Who would you like to see run for office that's currently in the private sector?

Dean Krogman
(Former Brookings State Representative, and current member of the Board of Regents)

9. Who is the most dangerous Democrat and why?

All those getting elected with an (R) behind their name.

10. How can the Republican Party continue it's dominance over the next ten years?

I wouldn't say that the Republican party has had strict dominance so far, other than they haven't had a Democratic opponent in South Dakota for quite sometime. Our dominance is in the fact that term limits keep the legislature weak and that there isn't a common philosophy that keeps the party on track.

You may agree, or you might disagree. But like I said, it's an exam of the human side of one of our statewide elected officials. For his cooperation, A SD War College T-Shirt will be sent to the Honorable Richard Sattgast (as soon as I get around to making it).

I'd also invite your comments as to who I should pick on next. Another Republican? A Democrat? A member of the MSM? Inquiring minds want to know.


Publisher said…
As per question #7:
Isn't the T-Rex already our state dead animal? You cshould demand your Goose back, Professor
PP said…
Sorry, but it is still the triceratops. The t-rex measure proposed by Adelstein was defeated.
Anonymous said…
Great idea for a post. Mr. Sattgast seemed friendly, funny and down-to-earth.

Perhaps instead of asking a humor-intended question such as the 'next initiative' ballot, how about asking the interviewee about the current medical marijuana initiative.

That would be informative and interesting.
Publisher said…
Well, it is my goose, it appears, that was cooked. One can actually learn something at this college! My apologies to Mr. Sattgast, the Proffesor, all dinosaurs everywhere, and to the rest of the student body.

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