Why I'm a Republican

OK. I'm probably a little overly sensitive to this, being Catholic myself. The AP report in Yahoo News is charging that is that an adoption service in Mississippi is denying adoption applications of Catholics, just for being Catholic. From the Yahoo news story:
"It has been our understanding that Catholicism does not agree with our Statement of Faith," Bethany's state director Karen Stewart wrote. "Our practice to not accept applications from Catholics was an effort to be good stewards of an adoptive applicant's time, money and emotional energy."
The agency's Web site says all Bethany staff and adoptive applicants personally agree with the faith statement, which describes belief in the Christian Church and the Scripture. It does not refer to any specific branches of Christianity.
Out of curiosity, I did a little poking around and found this on the organization's South Dakota website:
South Dakota Requirements for adoption of Domestic Infants:

1.Applicants must be married at least two years.
2. There must be an infertility problem, even in an unknown diagnosis.
3. Applicants must be residents of a state in which Bethany is licensed or permitted to place children. Rapid City and Sioux Falls Bethany are licensed to place children in South Dakota. We work with other agencies in all fifty states to complete adoptions.
4.Bethany is committed to placing children in distinctively Christian families; therefore, both husband and wife must profess a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Both spouses are expected to be actively involved in a Bible-teaching church.
5.Both husband and wife must believe in the sanctity of human life, beginning at conception.
If they operate in a similar way in SD, I suspect they might hear about it. This next legislative session, they very possibly might have some 'splainin' to do.

If there's something that should get people in the SDBlogOSphere fired up, discriminating against someone for their religious beliefs would be it. It's not a Republican thing or a Democrat thing. It's an unconscionable thing.

Does this seem odd to hear it from lil' old Republican, me? It shouldn't.

When I was out in Rapid City, I had a person come into the Republican office who asked to use our copier to duplicate a political cartoon he had altered to be pretty offensive on a racial and religious basis. I told him to get that crap out of my office and to never show his face there again.

I was relating the tale shortly afterwards to my coworkers noting how P.O.'d the whole episode made me while answering the phone. (Hint, when working at a campaign office, don't tell stories when you are mad answering the phone.) I was immediately greeted by Mary McClure, the state George Bush Presidential Campaign Director who caught the part of my dialogue before I said 'hello.' She asked me "So, P, what was it you were pissed off about? I only caught the statement that you were." Oops. Sorry. But she understood.

One of the core beliefs of the Republican party are of the rights of individual, with no one person getting special treatment over another. You'll find these statements in several places out on the internet about what 'being a Republican means.' I think basic statements of political belief get lost sometimes in the dialogue about this elected official did this, or Rush Limbaugh said that (Oh, yeah. You'll NEVER see me quote Rush).
  • That the right of individuals to achieve the best that is within themselves, as long as they respect the rights of others, is the source of our Nation's strength.
  • That government exists to protect the freedom of opportunity in which each individual's creative ability can flourish.
  • That government activities should be limited to those things which people cannot do at all, or cannot do so well for themselves.
  • That the most effective government is government closest to the people.
  • That those who cannot provide for themselves should be assisted by both government and society, but that every effort should be made to help them become self-supporting, productive citizens with pride in their independence.
  • That equal rights, equal justice and equal opportuity belong to all, regardless of race, creed, age, sex or national origin.
To me, my party stands for individualism, without malice or special treatment.

And, I think a lot of South Dakotans believe that, too. In this state, we're often referred to as rugged individualists. It's a character trait that mates up well with general Republican beliefs. Party registration numbers don't lie.

I think that too many times that being a Republican gets muddled up in issues of conservatism versus liberalism, and government getting too altruistic (as I had mentioned in a prior post.) To me, losing that focus on the individual is what causes Republicans to lose elections.

You want to win elections in this state? Talk about the individual and you'll do right every time.


PP said…
If you send me your address, I can send you a voter registration change card. ;)
Publisher said…
Why I'm not a republican in 2 words: Bill Janklow

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