Mainstream Moderate Crisis-gate: Day 11 and still going strong

Jesus. We're currently at day 11 and the media's still going strong on the Mainstream South Dakota Coalition. (You'd think Democrat bloggers were pushing this or something..)

The Rapid City Journal is devoting additional time, energy and column inches to the group by making it the focus of today's editorial. Which basically regurgitates everything that's been written to date.

I must not have been paying attention before, because I do note that they have a website up at Well, more like a webpage. You can find out what they are about, and that's about it. No listing of membership, listing of directors, etc. I was going to buy the and .net domain names and turn them into a front for my blog, but they beat me to it. They must be craftier than I thought.

So, if we have the Republicans on the Dark Side, and the Democrats on the self proclaimed Light Side - does this make the Mainstream Coalition Grey? Just asking.


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