Mainstream Moderate Crisis: Day.... I don't know, hasn't this story died YET!?!

Okay. This topic has gone beyond silly. Celeste Calvitto in today's Rapid City Journal has ANOTHER column devoted to the MAINstream Moderate Coalition.

Love it or leave it, and believe me, I have my own opinions about it. I'm just a little suprised that the media has latched on to this story like a newborn pig and is determined to milk it for all it's worth. First, the story was that it exists. Then, it was a story about one legislator's reaction. Then an editorial. After that, we had the story of a meeting. And then, another reaction. Then we had a column about the meeting. In Friday's Pierre Capitol Journal we had another editorial. Now we have a story about the reaction to the prior Rapid City Journal column.

And in today's column, get a load of this snippet:
So where does all this go from here?
A test of the strength of the coalition movement could come when South Dakota Republicans deliberate over a candidate to challenge Rep. Stephanie Herseth, D-S.D., in next year's election.
Herseth is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate and conservative Democrats. And, for instance, though her voting record reflects a fiscally conservative bent and she has supported efforts such as a flag-desecration amendment, she also takes pro-choice stances — which top state Republicans say do not sit well with a majority of the South Dakota electorate. Hot-button issues such as abortion could set the stage for a battle over a GOP candidate — and for his or her eventual support in the election.
Good gosh. Now the State GOP's chances against Herseth are tied to a NON-PARTISAN group? Here's their manifesto:
The MAINstream Coalition is a non-partisan, non-sectarian coalition of members and leaders of the business, civic, political, and religious communities who are uniting to promote and preserve traditional American values which are threatened by political extremists.
So where does Celeste make the leap from "preserving traditional American values" to it dividing the GOP's choice to take on Herseth?

My point in covering this is, and has been, that I think the media is making this molehill into much more of a mountain than is warranted. It's like saying the Zonta club is going to take over the GOP and seeking out commentary to support that thesis.

Hopefully, we will be left in peace now, but I doubt it.


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