Cell phones in cars to be banned. Christmas and your birthday to be taken away too.

Senator Clarence Kooistra, who fights home schooling because it *gasp* isn't as accountable as he'd like it to be to government, led the fight to ban tobacco sales on the internet, and is going after the adult entertainment industry in Salem has now found a new thing to hate - cell phone use in cars. (check this link too)

At what point does government become too altruistic? It's something I struggle with, being someone who has a slight problem with authority. It's not that I'm ready to front a militia or anything like that. But I really have to question it when "should's" are legislated into "have-to-or-else's."

Seat belts. Raising the car-seat age from 3 to 5. Raising the drinking age to 21 from 18. Political yard sign size limitations, and all that kind of stuff.

At what point am I going to be told how much I'm allowed to weigh? What I can and cannot eat? Whether I can smoke in my own home or not? What I can and cannot watch on tv? In Pennsylvania, I see there's was just a law proposed to outlaw dogs sticking their heads out car windows.

Is the parental hand of government going to kill us in trying to keep us safe? Are we just going to hide in out homes and not drink, smoke or eat greasy foods?

This is a rare lapse for me, because I don't usually criticize Republicans. But dammit, Clarence - Knock it off. You weren't elected to come up with goofy crap to outlaw.

Supposedly, cell phones caused 32 accidents last year. How many were caused by messing with the radio? Better outlaw radios. How many were alcohol related? Time to contact the temperance union and get to banning.

If you want to make the state a better place to live? Then REPEAL some laws and MYOB. We managed to survive as a species before some of these laws came along.

And please, stop before you introduce the dog-head-out-of-cars bill in South Dakota and really tick people off.

P.S., that corporate income tax thing isn't going to do you much good, either.


Anonymous said…
Yeah, Okay, there's a limit on the amount of intrusiveness required for proper governmental domination of our lives.

On the other hand, the farmer who was driving down the middle of Lincoln County 106 today in his JDMBT (John Deere Mighty Big Tractor), apparently oblivious to the twenty-odd cars behind him and the several oncoming cars who kept pulling over onto the shoulder, while he conducted an apparent screaming match with his wife, lawyer, landlord or whatever on his cell-phone, was certainly...."memorable". Could we at least draw a line on that guy?

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