Feed troubles

As others, I'm noticing I'm still having trouble with the feeds on the right. Don't ask me why several feeds keep showing up at the top with new times - I have no idea.

I'm tweaking my software, and hopefully they'll filter to the bottom. I'm dropping a few on a temporary basis while I try to figure this out.

The only multiple feed offender I've left for the moment is Thune Watch, and we'll see how that works out. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the site reloading after their website tweaks, if the RSS feed is stuck, or if it's reloading after I tweak the feed.

But I'll be monitoring and working on it.


Anonymous said…
Just curious...What's it take to get my blog listed amongst the rest of The SDBlogOSphere Gang? Should I start talking politics again? Maybe it's best I leave well enough alone!
Anonymous said…
What happens is that one of tho other blogs has a URL that is extra long in the first sentence or so, and it kicks it down to the bottom.

Scroll down, and there it is.
PP said…
Rachel -

As soon as I figure out why your RSS feeds are all funky, I'll re-add it.

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