New SD Blogs

Check out the The Best of South Dakota - a new blog, and End Standards, formerly known as I Make Sense. I've added them to the RSS Feeds, and the blogroll.

I'm not sure what has changed, but Black Marks on Wood Pulp seems to be working again!! At least the feed validates. No such luck for Radioactive chief.

There is another one out there at, but everytime I go to it, it crashes out my browser(s) BAD. So, I might try them again later. So, at this moment, No RSS for you!

I'm also giving a few other blogs a tryout to see if they are worthwhile to include. Several are in the feeds, and a couple appear to be politically related, so you may see them in the blogroll soon. Otherwise, I did omit one I found - a SD blog on kittens and knitting.

They lost me at kittens..... They lost me at kittens.


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