Ode to the Mountain Lion by SDWC

The Mountain Lion (With Apologies to William Blake)

Mountain Lion, in my land
As your numbers just expand,
What lucky lion chance or twist
Kept you off the hunting list?

Underground your home lies
Peering out with lion eyes.
Our itchy trigger fingers would slow
If your population did not grow.

Your pointy teeth are what I fear
Will bite and bite me in the rear.
Why are you in town? To me it’s clear.
Boobs in their yard who feed the deer.

Chase with dog! Shoot with gun!
This is sounding kind of fun.
When California environmentalists lament
I wonder how many Lions they’d like sent?

A report of lions really kills
My urge to camp in the blackened hills.
The dilemma churning through my brain?
I’m the food atop the chain.

Mountain Lion, in the hills
For which we’re allowed twenty-five kills,
Even though you’re kind of nifty
I wish we could harvest another fifty.

My apologies to the affecianados of written verse. I gave my best effort. I could have done worse.

My hunting urge it would quicken, but studies confirm they don't taste like chicken.


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