A response from the object of scorn

From the SDRTL blog:
Executive Director Kate Looby of South Dakota's primary abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, expressed that some people just don't do babies and that's their choice. She continued that she has four children and she's bonded with them, but "I don't do babies."
Response from the SDWC pre-preschool of Republican thought?

"Kate Looby doesn't do me? I don't do Kate Looby."
( DP, South Dakota's fattest baby)

It's been an interesting few months since State Senator Brock Greenfield has taken over as executive director of SDRTL. Brock is known for taking stances in the legislature, popular or not, because he thinks it's the right thing to do. And when he's set, he's not budging an inch.

Right now, he's not budging against Kate Looby, and he's giving as good as he gets. Agree or disagree, monitor the SDRTL weblog for their take on the results of the SD Task Force to Study Abortion.

footnote - for those with no sense of humor, I'm not goofing on Kate's position. It's hers and she's welcome to it. What I am goofing on is how coldly and clinically she's referring to babies. It's like she's apparently saying she doesn't do babies like she wouldn't do "Lunch at Minerva's." Although, given time, I'm sure she can bond with dinner at Minerva's.


Bob Newland said…
Brock Greenfield is South Dakota's fattest baby.
Anonymous said…
I'm not exactly sure why people have a problem with adults who don't make pumping out babies their priority. People hear, "I don't want children." and immediately start in with the old cliched idea that it's somehow just not right.
Anonymous said…
Once again you one-up yourself in stupidity. Although it is sad, please keep it up, as it is truly entertaining.
PP said…
Anon #1, I don't think you're getting the whole point.

She said that she has four children and she's bonded with them, but "I don't do babies."

Well, where does she think those four children came from, France?

Irregardless of one's political viewpoint on abortion, for someone who is heading an organization that supposed cares aboout people, women specifically, saying "I don't do babies" just strikes many people as being phenomenally cold.
PP said…
And Bob, 2 out of 3 commenters agree. You're being a dick.
Bob Newland said…
PP and Anon: Maybe you could explain why you think it's okay to put people in prison for trying to alleviate their own pain or nausea.
PP said…
I though I deleted that question once as being "off topic."

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