Breaking news at the Mitchell paper
Olson and Adelstein may face a primary

Check out the breaking news at Sibby as related from the Mitchell Daily Republic:

Sen. Ed Olson may face a primary challengein June from former House Rep. Dan Matthews.

If it materializes, the race between the two Mitchell Republicans illustrates a growing tension in the party over the creation of the Mainstream Coalition, formed last spring by Olson, Rapid City GOP Sen. Stan Adelstein, who helped underwrite the launching of the group, and other state lawmakers.

AND as related in the Mitchell Daily (my favorite daily in the state), even bigger news:
Adelstein, who eked out a primary win two years ago by 122 votes against GOP activist Ellie Schwiesow, also may face opposition. Napoli expects her to try again. That hotly contested June 2004 primary saw Adelstein focus on his experience and his "mainstream Republican" values. Schwiesow, according to the Rapid City Journal, highlighted her Christian, anti-abortion beliefs, as well as support for gun ownership, property tax control and education.
I'll be updating the WIKI this weekend.


Anonymous said…
That's great! All the mainstreamers of the democrat party should have a primary if they don't switch parties before-hand. They wouldn't have to face a primary if they would just switch and run on the ticket in which they are ideologically alligned--the democrat party. Stan, your party of Nixon and Rockefeller has left you. It has abandoned your beliefs, just like the democrat party abandoned Reagan's beliefs. Do like Reagan did and make it official. You will feel much better once you do. In the democrat party, you won't have to convince anyone that same-sex marriage and abortion on demand are mainstream, because over there they are mainstream ideas. Good luck to you!
Anonymous said…

You people are going to drive everyone who doesn't think like you out of this state - which may be exactly what you want.

Gay marriage is between two individuals, not the community as a whole. You reject collectivism in the economic realm, but openly embrace it in the realm of individual freedom.

Your discomfort at the thought of two homosexuals joined in a "marital union" is representative of your personal insecurities. Remember, this is a Voluntary relationship between 2 people, no third parties are involved. Climb down off of your high horse and rid yourself of your self righteousness.


A Disheartened, SMALL-government Republican
Jake said…
I would like to echo the comments of anonymous(2). Also, I would urge anyone commenting to create a profile and quit hiding behind the anonymous nameplate.

I think my only hope is the Libertarian Party. They actually promote social AND economic freedom. With the Dems and the GOP, you get one or the other, but not both.

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