Now that's a tall order. Fourthought group announces South Dakota Department of Social Services MMIS contract

From PRWEB News Release Service:
South Dakota awarded FourThought Group (4TG) a contract to do the essential planning required to replace the Department of Social Services (DSS) 24-year-old Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) with an MMIS that is versatile enough to support the evolving business needs of the South Dakota's Medicaid program.

"To meet South Dakota's needs, we unveiled VisionStep, our latest innovation for planning, designing and managing healthcare system implementations," said 4TG Executive Consultant Robin Mathias.

VisionStep is the result of 16 years of experience as the leading authority of joint application design in the Medicaid market, two years of working with our think tank of Medicaid leaders, intense involvement with the development of Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA), and the combined expertise of our consulting and project management staff.

VisionStep includes specialized tools to support every step of an MMIS replacement project. From initial visioning to final testing, VisionStep combines sound methodology with unique tools and practical information. Because the tools and methodology are integrated every step of the way, the result is a smooth, well-managed project.
Read all about it here.


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