Should we take this as a No? Senator Garry Moore on the Governor's Proposal for USDSU

Senate Democratic Leader Garry Moore made his weekly report in today's Yankton Daily Press and Dakotan. And he spent most of the article getting out a big club to beat on part of Governor Rounds' legislative package:
The Legislature several years ago gave each of the universities a direction to follow in education, rather than to duplicate one another's course offerings and major fields of study. This was done in an effort to cut costs and still provide needed post-secondary opportunities for our students.

Now an already under-funded regents system is looking to build another campus on 263 acres of land. Anyone that says this is only an outreach program is only attempting to fool themselves and the public. If it were only an outreach program, there would not be a need for more than 260 acres of land and a sketch already laying out future buildings on the new campus. The revenue, of course, is of no consequence; it is always easy to find $8.5 million for a new building on a new campus, and by the way, the land cost will only be approximately $5.8 million.

And that was the mild part. Read the whole thing here (registration required) and please partonize the Yankton newspaper.


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