Just a few notes on upcoming events

From the South Dakota Republican Party website...

February 17
Aurora County Lincoln Day Dinner
Featured Speaker: Secretary of State Chris Nelson

February 18
State Central Committee Meeting
Details coming soon

February 20
Charles Mix County Lincoln Day Dinner
Featured speaker: Gov. Mike Rounds
6:30 p.m. - Doors open
7 p.m. - Dinner
Platte Community Center
For tickets, contact Jr. or Cherry Van Dusseldorp at 605-337-3052 or e-mail to cherbear@midstatesd.net

February 23
District 24 Lincoln Day Dinner
Featured Speaker: Governor Mike Rounds
5:30pm - Social
6:30pm - Dinner

March 24
Deuel County Lincoln Day Dinner
Details coming soon

March 24-25 TAR Days
Mock Legislative Session
State Capitol, Pierre
For more information contact
Dusty Johnson at 605-280-5511 or e-mail to StateAdvisor@sdtars.com

June 22-23
South Dakota Republican Party State Convention
Watertown Ramkota Hotel

July 23-28
TAR Camp Teen Leadership Camp
Camp Rimrock near Rapid City
For more information contact Dusty Johnson at 605-280-5511 or e-mail to StateAdvisor@sdtars.com

Lots of interesting stuff coming up.. On a high note, my oldest daughter made mention the other day that she might be interested in going to TAR camp... *sniff* I'm so proud. (But my wife claims it's her brown-nosing me because she wants a cell phone.) We'll see.

Even if it's a ruse, I'm sure I'll manage to get at least a few of my kids to see the light.

Come over to the dark side my children, and realize that more government isn't the answer - it's the individual... You don't realize the power of the dark side. You gotta have it to get elected in this state..


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