Post #425 - Happy 2006!

I'll try not to "jump the couch" with my excitement. It's 2006 - Election Year!

A few of the battle lines have are already being drawn. It's anticipated there will be a Rounds/Volesky matchup. The Sahr/Kolbeck contest in November is a foregone conclusion with convention serving as only a formality. Same goes for the Johnson/Healy fight for School and Public Lands.

In Rapid City - THE place to watch primaries next June - we can already assume wthout much fear of contradiction that there will be a Napoli/McCoy fight and a rematch of the 2004 Adelstein/Schwiesow battle.

But there's still a lot of blanks left to be filled, especially in legislative races. Between now and April, a lot of action is going to take place.

And it starts TODAY. According the the Secretary of State's utilitarian and now attractive website (which still gives the widely used firefox browser fits):
January 1 - Earliest day for June primary or independent candidates to circulate
nominating petitions (including judicial). (SDCL 12-6-4.1, 12-7-1.1, 12-9-4). Earliest day for independent candidates to file nominating petitions. (SDCL 12-7-1).

January 1, 2006. It's a brand new day in South Dakota. A brand new day that just happens to be the big kickoff for election season!

I just can't wait.

And I would mention again - have a politically related release (political office, ballot issues, etc.) Send it to me. I'd love to see it, and I'd love to post it regardless of party.


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