Sorry about that - No Wireless reports.
The Napoli-Haverly-Apa Appropriations Review

I just flew in From Rapid City... And boy are my arms tired (ba dum, bum).

I'm just getting in at 1:30 AM, I don't want to mention how much the gas cost, and I drove over 300 miles today. Was it worth all that to cover the Napoli - Haverly - Apa meeting?

You're darn right it was.

No wireless at this thing tonight, dammit. But I showed up and it was like old home evening.

I bribed Senator Brock Greenfield to serve as my wingman and to poke me as I fell asleep on the way home tonight. We showed up, greeted by Peggy Napoli and Senator Apa, with Senator Napoli and Representative Haverly there and ready to roll at the Valley View Elementary School.

Then the dignitaries started to roll in. Representative Buckingham showed up before it was to begin, closely followed by longtime Lawrence County Republican activist “Wild” Bill Trent.

Among the Republican activists it was noted that the Pennington County GOP held it’s Republican Ambassadors meeting today, and this meeting tonight was on the tips of everyone’s tongue. The terminology that was brought up at ambassadors in regard to the buzz about the meeting tonight was interestingly enough termed... "paranoia."

They didn't need to worry. It was informative, and they spent a lot of time answering constituent questions. In fact, it was the lions share of the program.

About that time, Representative Tom Hennies also walked through the door, and county commissioner Mark Kirkeby arrived as well. Fall River County States Atorney Lance Russell showed up right before the event began, as did Lawrence County GOP Activist Fred Rompkema. I also noticed Representative Chuck Turbiville, and former Republican Legislator Carol Fitzgerald sitting down to watch the program.

6:30 – It’s Showtime! And just in time for the event, Rapid City GOP Activist Jim Hubbard and his wife entered the room.

With nearly every seat in the place taken, Bill Napoli, the organizer of the event began.

Bill started off speaking on the branches of government, and noting how he believed the branches of government are more equal now then they’ve been in the past. It was mentioned that this is something they hoped to start doing on an occasional basis. Seeing the attendance at this event in an off-the-beaten-track venue, I would predict if they did it again at the School of Mines (which people are more familiar with location-wise, as opposed to this new school) it will be mobbed.

This was very well attended for something held on a Wednesday evening when there are church activities, and any other number of goings on.

Anyway, Representative Haverly continued with the explanation of what they do, and spoke on how they on appropriations don’t propose spending measures, but it’s their job to discuss and approve them.

Jerry Apa noted how much spending has increased, but also noted that there generally aren’t a great amount of new programs, as much as increases in the cost of the programs that are existing. And Senator Apa also noted that he believes money is best held in the citizen’s pocket, and how if it’s up to him, there will not be an increase in taxes.

I'm going to stop right here for the moment and continue this post sometime tomorrow, as I do need to get some sleep tonight. That, plus I have 90 minutes of video footage to go through and pick out some of the best clips.

A couple comments I will make before I go to bed:

I did notice Celeste Calvitto of the Rapid City Journal there covering the meeting. According to one source, I hear she's started reading the SDWC (so a shout out to Celeste). If she's wondering, I was the guy in the corner with the camera and the laptop.

That, and perennial Democratic Candidate Gary Loudner was there wearing a jacket that said "Gary Loudner for District 33 Legislative candidate. Aside from the ambiguity on chamber of the legislature, I was left wondering "Is that a leftover from a previous campaign, or is it a preview of this next election?"

More to come on this tomorrow.. (well, later today after I've slept)


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