After seeing this ad, I'd tend to agree with your uncle.

I saw this ad, and after reading the first sentence I said "Oh my god."

Not only is this a bad ad, it's telling everyone in town that his uncle thinks he's an idiot. Way to win an election Steve. Not only are you running yourself down, but you spent money to do it.

Here's a hint. Take everything between 2006 and the disclaimer and erase it. Then run THAT ad, not this one. And hope to God that not every voter in the primary read the Winner newspaper this week.


Anonymous said…
If he was running for Judge, he could also claim to be endorsed by the Judicial Qualifications Commission.
Anonymous said…
Kinda small town and homeie, In places where everybody knows everybody, this might be well received,,,,,on the otherhand,,,,If not,,,,,,,you just might be a redneck
Anonymous said…
What a lovely picture,too!
Anonymous said…
Is he actually running against his Uncle, or are they in different districts?
Anonymous said…
You know, actually this is a novel and interesting approach to take. Instead of "vote for me, I'm the greatest thing since whatever," it makes him sound more like the rest of us. Like anonymous #1 said, it's a local election and everyone would know him anyway. If it's true that he's an idiot, then it's a known fact already. If not, it just might give him extra points. I guess I like it.
Bob Newland said…
I find it interestng that he makes no specific assertions about what's wrong currently, or what he would do to cure it. I'm sure his uncle is right.
Anonymous said…
His grammar proves he's an idiot. But people vote for idiots. Just look at our legislature. I think the ad makes people laugh, and it works for him.
Maybe Republicans can pick up his theme and take it statewide or even national since nothing else seems to be working for the GOP this year.
Anonymous said…
anonymous 7:38

I ran for this seat one time, over 20 years ago.

I think he is running against his uncle.

My recollection is that they both live in a rural setting less than 3 miles apart.

FWIW - His uncle is right.
Anonymous said…
That's a great example as to why SD needs to let J.A.I.L. just blow on in. See, we've all kinds of "good 'ol boys" running things, whether they're idiots or just plain old, small town brats with gray hair. This is a good place for something like J.A.I.L. - who cares who they are, how flakey their initiative is. We are not holding people accountable here. Got any thugs in your town? Got anybody coming around to your businesses and offering some kind of governmentally granted "incentive" to keep cheating your employees out of a fair wage? You know, like a union scale of sorts, only at the bottom? Did you forget about SD being the lowest pay for workers in the nation (98 was it?) - that's when SD media started saying, "but we've got the cleanest air", how stupid! That's nothing but pride and ignorance and pretending that there is no problem, and defending this garbage with attitudes of "leave us alone, we don't like changes around here." There is a lot of people making a lot of money in my SD town. That's because they don't work for anyone here. To the rescue: the influx of people into South Dakota - there will be enough people with integrity, who are humble in spirit, serving by nature, and yes, having money to buy, clear, burn and build. Some of these will fill the positions cleared, whether it be by J.A.I.L. (which I doubt), or certainly through some other cause. We do have those kinds here in South Dakota. We have enough of them. Unfortunately, only a small number have stepped up to the plate. But look what they can do. Shall we leave it up to outsiders?
Anonymous said…
Is this the same guy who had the stripper girlfriend, had a baby together, then she died in an accident, and he made national news trying to adopt her son from a previous marriage?
Great small town soap opera.
PP said…
Anon 2:13 - clearly you're demonstrating that we have another idiot. JAIL would be the worst thing to happen to SD since the Great Depression.

And anon 12:56 - your memory skills "rule"! I forgot about that one.

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