Got a copy of the Fuller Ad. The start of The War of the Words?

Thank you West River reader! I had a reader send me a copy of the ad I'd been mentioning from the 7th Circuit race, and yes indeed, Judge Fuller is invoking the Judicial Qualifications commission not once, but twice.

In fact, it looks like at some point he's actually been a member of the panel. So, even more suprising that he'd promote a questionable statement that he was "recommended by them."

Yes, by way of disclosure, Lance is a friend of mine. But that's besides the point. I find all of this interesting in that it represents some of the first South Dakota advertising after the rules on Judicial races have been re-written.

Will judicial candidates engage in this sort of puffery that can be standard fare in a political environment, or will they hold themselves to a higher standard than the politicians they tend to criticize.

This ad provoked a response which questioned how the incumbent was conducting himself, so it could have done more harm than good. Or at the very least, it started a war of words that will be entertaining to be a spectator for.


Anonymous said…
Judge Fuller should read the South Dakota Code of Judicial Conduct, which is codified at SDCL 16-2-54(A).

Cannon 5, A, 3, d, iii: states that: "a candidate for judicial office shall not knowingly misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position or other fact concerning the candidate or an opponent."

Judge Fuller authorized the publication of a campaign advertisement in which he represents that the Judicial Qualifications committee has endorsed him for this election. This is impossible because the JQC cannot endorse judicial candidates for election. It is my beleif that he knowingly misrepresented either his qualifications or, at least a fact, concerning his candidacy. That is a violation.

PP, this is not mere puffery. Judge Fuller has made a statement in his advertisement that is meant to mislead people. His statement leads the reader to beleive that he has been endorsed in this election by the JQC.

I beleive that the Judicial Elections Committee should be alerted to this promptly and that Judge Fuller should cease his advertisements telling us that the JQC endorsed him. Furthermore, he should issue a public retraction and feel embarrased.

At the very least he should apologize for wearing that clownish bow tie in public.
Anonymous said…
Fuller's tactics are certainly questionable. Why would he place himself in this position? After reading his response to criticism of his sentencing of sex offenders on Mount Blogmore, I think he may be running a little scared.
Anonymous said…
Fuller has shown nothing but scorn for the electoral process. Two years ago, Fuller fought on the side of the Judicial Qualifications to end direct elections of judges. He wanted to give himself a life term. Fuller has shown no respect for the electoral process, which is why Roetzel or Russell will get my vote.
Anonymous said…
Where have Fullers defense attorneys gone?
Anonymous said…
I think they're selling brushes door-to-door.
Anonymous said…
Judge Fuller's ad is correct. He was recommended by the Judicial Qualifications Commission. Nonetheless it has the tendency to mislead, because that recommendation had nothing to do with this race - only his original appointment by the Governor. It seems that the Judge has not followed the oath that every witness must tskr in his courtroom to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God.
Anonymous said…
Fellow Anons-

The Fuller defense attorney's are working, you won't find any supporting Russell that are.

File a complaint against Fuller with the BAR if you've all got such a bur up you arse.

Politics and the judiciary while linked should at all levels attempt to hold true to the separation of powers ideal that this county was founded on and has survived through. Constant attacks on this ideal by people looking for political gains should scare the wits out of all but the most wicked of partisans.

Who do you agree with Anon? Justice O'Connor and her ideas on the separation of state and the judiciary or Tom Delay, Sen. Coburn? Let's impeach judges that don't agree with our religious, partisan and self-surviving beliefs...that's not just scary, it's terrifying. The line here between political based judges and the JAIL amendment seems clear to me when taken to extremes but some who would be considered mainstream politicians.

You can’t scream fire in a crowded theater and then say “OOPS, sorry, didn’t mean that.”

I'm not saying Lance is a zealot, don't think he is. But the use of these tactics takes SD close to how other states run their judicial races which is scary if you've seen it and leads to judges who have no business on the bench, intellectually or temperamentally.

If you want to put the 10 commandments up, ban abortion, keep the gay and liberal man down, run for the legislature, stay off the bench.
Anonymous said…
If the Bar was interested in keeping Fuller to the whole truth and nothing but the truth, they would initiate action themselves.
Anonymous said…
Whole truth and nothing but the truth? File a complaint if you believe what you are posting against Fuller. Do it anonymously.
Anonymous said…
Hmmmmmm...recomended by the JQC? So if he ever does anything to VIOLATE someone's rights and the JQC hears a complaint...Conflict of interest? Need I say more, except for AHA...AHA
Anonymous said…
Here's the complaint form
Anonymous said…
Do you sense some degree of confidence in the outcome?

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