Now, was that so tough to do? Sioux Falls School District wakes up and smells the coffee when 100 people flood the room.

From the Argus Leader:
Sioux Falls School Board members voted unanimously Monday to allow students with major medical problems to participate in graduation ceremonies, even if they haven’t completed the required credits.

That decision replaced a recommendation from a policy committee that would have recognized those students but not allowed them to walk across the stage and receive an unsigned diploma.

The decision emerged after an emotional discussion of an audience of at least 100 people, most of whom said the current policy needed to change.
Why was that so tough? I won't beat the point into the ground, but they could have solved this a week or two ago by just giving the kids a break. But, better late than never. Glad to see that a public board can see reason.

Especially when faced with 100 adamant parents.


Anonymous said…
When a student gets in a car crash due to his/her underage drinking, and can't complete their studies, how many people will flood the room asking for the same treatment? When will the exception of having the school board intervene become the rule?

First, sex education. Now, this. The long-term effects, no one will run for school board. Then what?
Anonymous said…
Are you telling us that
Anonymous said…
What are you thinking. Ask yourself this, Maybe some of those people shouldn't be on the board. Most school board members I have meet should not be on them. Most have no idea of policy and are full of themselves.
Anonymous said…
My name is Anonymous.

I can't articulate a coherent thought, therefore, I remain anonymous.
Anonymous said…
what will they do when a sophomore gets sick and wants to graduate with a class early because he may not live until graduation? Is your heart stopping worse than cancer? Whampler is more than a year from getting his credits, Kelly is only 2 months, but they both get the same treatment? The parents are only concerned about this one issue, not the future problems they have now created. Holman was correct from the start, no exeptions, walk when you have the credits.
Anonymous said…
All I know, is that the public better know what it's getting here. "Severe medical problems" is going to need interpretation, and this issue has the potential to come up over and over. The public set the administration up for a hellova judgement call...
Anonymous said…
Go figure. First, every writer was opposed to the school board. Then the board did what the writers wanted, and now every writer is against the parents and students. Go figure.

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